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Beste Bewertungen Unterkünfte In Cambridge

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Green Turtle Floating Bed & Breakfast

Charlestown Navy Yard is perhaps best known as the home of the USS Constitution, but it has at least one more gem to offer tourists - Green Turtle Floating Bed & Breakfast. Three separate boats, Green Turtle I, II and III, make up this luxurious accommodation, and guests have the opportunity of enjoying a vacation aboard a houseboat or motor yacht, whichever should take their fancy. The elegantly designed rooms, with their queen beds and modern amenities tempt guests to stay inside, but sitting on a dock chair, taking in the views of the water, is just as appealing.

Lenox Hotel

Dieses klassische Hotel zelebrierte sein hundertjähriges Bestehen mit einer USD20 Millionen aufwendigen Renovierung. Erbaut 1900 mit roten und weissen Sandsteinen, verfügt das Hotel über eine stilvolle Inneneinrichtung mit Kaminen in vielen Zimmern. Mit Messing-Kronleuchtern, Kristall-Lampen und reichem Holzmobiliar ist das Hotel nach der Familie der Ehefrau des Königs George III. von England benannt, im heutigen Besitz der Saunders-Familie aus Boston, die auch Besitzer des Copley Square Hotel ist. Zu ihrem Vergnügen sind im Hotel das Azure-Restaurant und die Trinkstätte City Bar untergebracht.

Zimmer Buchen
Boston Harbor Hotel

Ein riesiger Rundbau über einem schönen Bogengang markiert Boston Harbor Hotel, einen modernen Komplex von Büros, einer Anlage mit Eigentumswohnungen, preisgekürten Restaurants und einem Luxushotel. Auf Rowes Wharf (Landungsstellen) gelegen, ist das Hotel nahe Faneuil Hall Marketplace (Markthalle), der Finanzzone und dem New England Aquarium. Von der Anlegestelle aus, kann man Fischjachten anheuern, ein Wassertaxi zum Flugahfen nehmen oder Wale beobachten fahren.

Zimmer Buchen
Four Seasons Hotel Boston

Four Seasons Hotel Boston is the city's premier hotel for those looking to be pampered. Overlooking the Public Gardens, this modern, 16-story brick and glass palace is central to everything Boston has to offer. Historic Back Bay and Newbury Street are a short walk from the hotel. The hotel offers beautiful and luxurious rooms and executive suites. Savor delectable seafood specialties and enjoy a cocktail at the Bristol Lounge. With no less than 16 function rooms and professional services, conducting business comes easy. The on-site spa offers excellent treatments for a relaxing time. Check website for availability and more.

Zimmer Buchen
InterContinental Boston

Located in the heart of Downtown Boston, InterContinental Boston is a melange of luxury and comfort. The futuristic building welcomes its guests for a luxurious stay that remains true to its heritage despite the modernities. The spacious guest rooms and suites are all equipped with the latest amenities and offer spectacular views of Boston Harbor or the Fort Point Channel waterfront. Coupled with personalized service and deluxe breakfasts, the rooms offer the best possible stay. Other facilities at the hotel include state-of-the-art event spaces, a spa, an indoor pool, and a fitness center. For dining, guests can try Provence-inspired cuisine at Miel Brasserie, enjoy great drinks and views at Vodkaba, and indulge in an ambient dinner at Rumba Rum and Champagne Bar.

Zimmer Buchen
Marriott Vacation Club Pulse at Custom House, Boston

The Custom House Tower was one of Boston's first skyscrapers. Converted into a luxury destination by Marriott, this public landmark today serves as a hotel which promises a relaxing and restful stay. The rooms are equipped with all the convenient amenities and features, ensuring that time spent here is comfortable and rejuvenating. Faneuil Hall and Quincy Marketplace are a few steps away. You will also be close to the Freedom Trail, Beacon Hill, Boston Common and the historic North End. Do not miss the observatory on the 26th floor which allows guests to bask in the view of the surrounding vistas.

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1 0 0 0 10 0

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