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Europe's Favorite Hot Springs

von: Cityseeker
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Blaue Lagune

Soft blue swirls of mineral-rich water and gently billowing steam that rises from the water's surface make up the magnificence of the Blue Lagoon. A gigantic geothermal spa that has effectively ridden numerous individuals of skin ailments, this man-made lagoon is one of Iceland's finest, and most visited attractions. Situated on a large lava field, the water in the lagoon is typically fed by the output of Svartsengi, a geothermal power plant that lies adjacent to the lagoon. Sulfur and silica are prime ingredients that lend the warm waters of the lagoon its curative powers, drawing eager visitors from across the world. Visitors can apply the famous silica mud mask and see its skin-restorative powers for themselves, or feel the warm gush of the lagoon's waterfalls as it takes away any semblance of soreness from their muscles. There is also a sauna room, and a restaurant on site.

Nordurljosavegur 9, Grindavík, Island, 240
7132 Therme Vals

Die 7132 Therme Vals (früher Felsentherme, neue Eigenbezeichnung 7132 Therme) ist ein Thermalbad in der Graubündner Gemeinde Vals, das vom Architekten Peter Zumthor entworfen und 1996 eröffnet wurde. Seit 1998 steht die Therme unter kantonalem Denkmalschutz.

Diese Beschreibung verwendet Materialien aus dem Wikipedia-Einteag, der unter der Lizenz veröffentlicht wird.

Poststrasse, Vals, Schweiz, CH-7132
Thermae Bath Spa

Britain's only natural thermal spa, Thermae Bath Spa offers you warm, natural mineral-rich waters to soak the chill away. To soothe your mind and body, the spa offers a wide range of treatments. You can even book for the different spa sessions like the New Royal Bath or the Cross Bath. The spa uses water from natural springs which lie beneath the city of Bath. Heated, mineral-rich water flows from these natural springs everyday. One can also try the Minerva Bath, open-air roof top pool, aroma steam rooms and waterfall shower. Top off the bath with a nice healthy bite at Springs Cafe & Restaurant.

Hot Bath Street, The Hetling Pump Room, Bath, Großbritannien, BA1 1SJ
Széchenyi Bäder

Obwohl die Wurzeln der Badekultur bis in das Römische Reich zurückreichen, begann die blühende ungarische Tradition erst unter der osmanischen Herrschaft im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert Gestalt anzunehmen. Das Széchenyi-Thermalbad ist nicht nur bei Einheimischen und Touristen in der Hauptstadt des Landes sehr beliebt, sondern stellt auch den größten Thermalbadkomplex Europas dar. Seine 15 Innen- und drei großen Außenbecken werden von zwei heißen Quellen gespeist, deren Wasser medizinischen Wert hat. Bei ihrer Ankunft können sich die Besucher von einem qualifizierten Team heilend beraten lassen, sich bei einer Massage oder Verjüngungstherapie entspannen, Aktivitäten im Freibad genießen und vieles mehr.

Allatkerti Korut 9-11, Budapest, Ungarn, 1146
Karlovy Vary

Often called Carlsbad, Karlovy Vary is the famous Bohemian spa town, located about 130 kilometers (81 miles) from Prague. The historic city dates back to late 1300s and is perhaps best known for the several natural springs it is home to. Apart from over 300 springs, the place also boasts of the mystical River Teplá that always remains warm even when the rest of the city is freezing! Thanks to these beautiful hot springs and its unique location, Karlovy Vary offers some of the best panoramas in the Czech Republic, and is therefore, a popular tourist hub.

Karlovy Vary, Karlovy Vary, Tschechien, 360 01
Terme di Saturnia

Terme di Saturnia are a set of hot springs comprising of two main thermal waterfalls and shallow pools. The luscious surroundings and beneficial properties of the water makes it a massive, therapeutic outdoor spa. And you don't even have to pay anything. Originated from a volcanic crater, the springs have been in existence for more than 3,000 years and was used by Roman royalties. A popular tourist destination for its thermal baths, relax in the steamy waters for a rejuvenating experience.

Via Mazzini 4, Saturnia, Italien, 58014
Aqua Dome

Situated amidst the idyllic Tyrollean Alps is Aqua Dome, one of the most visited mineral spas in Austria. Initially made famous as a healing natural spring by superstitious farmers and locals, the spa grew popular among hikers and tourists. As of today, the Aqua Dome is a part of a well-equipped hotel with state-of-the-art facilities that include two artificial pools, top notch sauna and spa treatments as well as dining options. Breathtakingly beautiful and therapeutic, it will keep you coming back for more.

Oberlängenfeld 140, Längenfeld, Österreich, 6444
Baños Árabes

The Banos Arabes, or Arab Baths, is an ancient public bathhouse built sometime in the 11th Century. Incredibly well made, these baths were used until the 17th Century and are some of the best-preserved sights, even today. Built next to the Puente Arabe, or Roman Bridge, the aim of these baths was to serve the then practice and belief of the Muslims that one should be clean before entering the city. The baths have three chambers, one for a hot bath, one for warm, and a third for cold. The site later became agricultural land, and more recently, it transformed into a private garden area.

Calle Molino de Alarcon s/n, Ronda, Spanien, 29400
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