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30 Most Resplendent Castles in Europe

von: Cityseeker
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Dotted with epic medieval structures, Europe provides exhilarating opportunities to explore some of the best castles, boasting ornate throne rooms and chambers unmatched by the rest of the world. Enter the towering gates with excitement thrumming in your veins and immerse yourself in the world of Kings and Queens. Come explore our top pick of some of the most alluring European landmarks.

Burg Hohenzollern

Wenn man sich wie ein König fühlen möchte, dann muss ein Besuch der Burg Hohenzollern jedem Reiseplan stehen. Diese besondere Burg, die auf einer Klippe über die Umgebung thront, ist eine der meistbesuchten Burgen in Deutschland. Dieses historische Schloss, einst Sitz der preußischen Königsfamilie, ist eigentlich das dritte Schloss, das an dieser Stelle errichtet wurde. Die erste Festung wurde im 11. Jahrhundert erbaut und dann zerstört. Die nächste Burg wurde 1454 gebaut, aber auch diese wurde zerstört. Das Schloss, das die Besucher heute sehen, wurde 1846 erbaut. Führungen sind möglich und die Besucher können die Kapellen und den Friedhof auf eigene Faust erkunden.

Burg Hohenzollern, Bisingen, Deutschland, 72379
Chateau de Chenonceau

As one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, Château de Chenonceau has seen its fair share of visitors. A castle was first thought to have been established on the site in the 11th Century, though the castle that stands today was constructed in 1514. The first structure was built for the Marques family, though it has changed hands many times over the years. Catherine de Medici made the castle her home in 1559 and put on France's first fireworks display when her son, Francis II, took the throne. The castle features a bridge with a gallery that spans the Loire river. The Gothic and early Renaissance structure is open to the public. Visitors can wander through the castle's serene gardens and take tours through the richly decorated interior.

Place de la Mairie, Chenonceaux, Frankreich, 37150
Castel del Monte

Set on a hill overlooking Andria, the Castel del Monte is universally renown for its precise octagonal layout and deeply symbolic design. Commissioned by Emperor Federico II of Svevia, the purpose of the castle remains unknown as it was abandoned shortly after its completion 1240. Enchantingly unusual, the castle reflects its founders Humanistic ideals through the merger of Middle Eastern, North European and Classical elements in its design. The fortress features a mathematically and astronomically exact octagonal structure with an octagonal tower at each corner and eight trapezoidal rooms arranged around an octagonal courtyard. A Medieval masterpiece, Castel del Monte has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Off Strada Stadale 170 dir A, Andria, Italien, 76123
Kylemore Abbey and Gardens

The Seven Pins mountain range towers majestically above the Kylemore Abbey demesne. This magnificent building and its walled Victorian garden are one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region. Visitors can roam the grounds, take in the tranquil views on the wilderness walk, and examine the architecture of the main hall and the Gothic church. The Abbey was founded in 1852 and took seven years to build. Now the Abbey is governed by the Benedictine Nuns and has been an exclusive girls' school for many years, apart from being a tourist attraction. A craft shop and a restaurant are open from March to November.

Off N59, Kylemore Abbey, Connemara, Republik Irland, H91 VR90
Predjama Castle

Legend surrounds the Predjama Castle, which is constructed inside a rocky cave mouth. It is located in south-central Slovenia and dates back to the 13th Century. Renaissance-style architecture conceals its original Gothic facade after having undergone several restorations works over the centuries. Explore the hidden passageways of this castle and relive the historic siege with interesting activities on offer for visitors.

Predjama 1, Postojna, Slovenia, 6230
Chateau de Chambord

Als eines der wenigen anerkannten architektonischen Weltwunder glänzt das Château de Chambord mit beeindruckender französischer Architektur der Renaissance, welche die klassische italienische Bauweise mit traditionellen französischen Strukturen vereint. Das beliebte Tourismusziel hat eine lange Liste an Besitzern und gehörte zu den königlichen Residenzen Ludwigs XIV. Die pompösen Innenräume gehören mit ihren Steintreppen, Deckenskulpturen, Zeremonieräumen und klassischer Einrichtung zu einem Muss für alle Kunst- und Geschichtsinteressierten. Château de Chambord hält außerdem regelmäßige Geschichtsführungen und Kunstausstellungen ab.

Le Château, Chambord, Frankreich, 41250
Eilean Donan

The Eilean Donan castle is one of the most visited and important attractions in the Scottish Highlands, and rightly so. Idyllically located on its own little island, overlooking the Isle of Skye, it is at the point where three great sea-lochs meet, Loch Duich, Loch Long, and Loch Alsh. This castle is also the most photographed monument in the country, and its imposing architecture is simply breathtaking. Exuding charm and elegance, the castle is considered to be one of the main places to visit while in the country.

A87, Dornie, Großbritannien, IV40 8DX
Egeskov Slot

Set amid an award-winning garden's lofty expanses, the Egeskov Castle is an exemplary water castle built in a dramatic Renaissance style. The Funen countryside provides a resplendent backdrop to the castle's moated facade, while the castle regales visitors with fabled stories and glorious exhibits. The castle exudes a fairy-tale-like charm, reinforced by a life-sized doll house called Titania's Palace, one of the castle's prime attractions. This special palace was created at the behest of Sir Neville's daughter Gwendolen, and took the craftsmen all of 15 years to build. Painstakingly pieced together with 3000 components, the palace contains several art works from around the globe. Other salient features at this gigantic castle include a vintage car museum, historic gardens, and the castle's loft.

Egeskov Gade 18, Kværndrup, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Dänemark, 5772
Schloss Bran

With its gray stone and red turrets, Bran Castle rises from the craggy rock face, an image that has evoked spine-tingling shivers for centuries. The Bucegi and Piatra Craiului mountains tower in the distance, creating a sense of menace that has haunted this medieval fortress for centuries. Built to defend important trade routes through the mountain pass, the castle has a rich history and was completed in the 14th Century under the aegis of King Louis the Great – Louis I of Anjou. The castle's most famous association was with Vlad Tepes or Vlad the Impaler, commonly mistaken as Bram Stoker's Count Dracula. It's believed that Stoker was inspired by photos and descriptions of Transylvania, and drew inspiration for his infamous castle and character from books he read about the country. However, the strong imagery still lingers, and Bran Castle is often referred to as Dracula's Castle to this day.

Strada General Traian Mosoiu 24, Braşov, Rumänien, 507025
Alcazar von Sevilla

Palast aus der Maurenzeit, errichtet durch Abd Al Ramán III im Jahre 913; beeindruckend an diesem zentral gelegenen Kunstwerk sind die vielfältigen azulejos, die den arabischen Stil widerspiegeln. Besonders hervozuheben sind die Höfe Patio de Banderas (Flaggenhof) mit dem hinter den Mauern zu erkennenden Glockenturm La Giralda, der Patio de las Doncellas (Jungfrauenhof) und der Patio de la Montería (Eingang). Auffallend sind zudem die reichhaltigen künstlerischen und dekorativen Details im Salón de los Embajadores (Botschaftersaal). Ein Hauptattraktionspunkt sind die wunderschönen Gärten und Fontänen. Hier finden so wichtige Ereignisse, wie die Hochzeit der Infantin Elena oder die Feierlichkeiten der Leichtathletikweltmeisterschaften 1999 statt. Außerdem werden hier Musik- und Theaterstücke aufgeführt.

Eintritt: EUR 3.

Patio de Banderas, Sevilla, Spanien, 41004
Traku salos pilis

Eindrucksvolle Inselburg: Nach aufwendiger Restaurierung erstrahlt die einstige fürstliche Residenz in neuem Glanz.

Kęstučio g 4, Trakų salos pilis, Trakai, Lithuania, 21104
Schloss Conwy

Few castles in the world capture the imagination as immediately as this imposing fortress, perhaps among the finest built by King Edward I in the 13th Century. From its rocky promontory the castle commands breathtaking views over the medieval town and its estuary harbor, with Telford's famous bridge in the foreground and the Snowdonia mountains as a spectacular backdrop. Edward was himself besieged here in 1295, and it was from refuge at Conwy in 1399 that King Richard II was lured, to be deposed by the Duke of Lancaster (later, Henry IV.) Most of the massive edifice, built by 1,500 craftsmen in under five years, is accessible.

Rose Hill Street, Conwy, Großbritannien, LL32 8LD
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