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Best Bargains in New York

von: Cityseeker
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Chinesenstadt (Chinatown)

New Yorks Chinatown ist ein kultureller Knotenpunkt voll von alten und exotischen Traditionen und vielen Restaurants. In diesem geschäftigen und von Menschenmengen durchströmten Viertel Manhattens wohnt mehr als die Hälfte der chinesischen Bevölkerung der Stadt. In den Lebensmittelgeschäften und an den Obstständen hier wird man viele Lebensmittel finden, die an wenigen anderen Stellen der Stadt zu bekommen sind angefangen bei exotischen Früchten und Gemüse bis hin zu Schnecken. Man sollte auch auf die vielen Enten achten, die in den Fenstern der Restaurants hängen.

Chinatown, New York, NY, USA, 10013
Stock Vintage

A store dedicated to vintage styles for men, Stock Vintage focuses on authentic items from eras past, as opposed to brand names. In addition to vintage apparel, this store carries eyewear, shoes and hats. Vintage boots, trousers and leather jackets are some of the most popular items.

143 East 13th Street, New York, NY, USA, 10003
Beacon’s Closet

Bright, spacious and filled to the brim with branded merchandise at bargain prices, Beacon’s Closet is the place to go to for those must-have looks at an affordable price. All items are hand selected by the staff at the acquisitions counter, ensuring that every item stocked at the store meets their exacting standards of quality. Hit the refresh button on your wardrobe and bring in items that you don't need any more for sweet deals on fairly new merchandise. Boasting an eclectic collection, at Beacon’s Closet you are sure to find something that is just right for you.

92 5th Avenue, New York, NY, USA, 11217
East 67th Street Market

East 67th Street Market is one of the oldest flea markets in Manhattan's Upper East Side. You will find everything and anything from antiques to jewelry, designer eye wear, fresh farm produce, books and more. The market is located in the outdoor schoolyard and indoor cafeteria of PS 183. It is a shopper's haven as you will find good stuff at cheap prices, truly a great bargain! The market is open only on Saturdays throughout the year, no matter what the season is. While shopping, you can also satisfy your hunger at the numerous sweet and savory stalls in the market.

408 East 67th Street, New York, NY, USA, 10065
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