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Beste Bewertungen Restaurants & Cafés In New York

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Le Bernardin

Maguy und Gilber Lecoze kamen 1986 von Paris nach New York, wollten ein elegantes Restaurant etablieren und einfach nur kochen und Fischgerichte zubereiten. Damals konnte keiner ihren unglaublichen Erfolg auch nur ahnen. Seitdem hat das Restaurant jedes Jahr 4 Sterne erhalten. Sogar als Gilbert starb und der Chefkoch Eric Ripert sein Nachfolger wurde, hat die Liebe und Hingabe angehalten mit der jedes Gericht zubereitet wird. Obwohl es teuer ist, gibt es kaum etwas Vergleichbares in Amerika und auch nur wenige dieser Art in Europa. Ein Mittagessen zu USD 32 oder USD 42 (EUR 35,60 oder EUR 46,70) könnte ein gedankenvoller erster Schritt sein. Abendessen beginnen ab USD 75 (EUR 83,40) und nach oben sind keine Grenzen gesetzt - leider!

Tisch Reservieren
Blue Ribbon Brasserie

Blue Ribbon Brasserie is an obligatory stop for food connoisseurs in the city. While the wildly popular restaurant now has several locations, the flagship location will always hold a special place in New Yorkers' hearts, particularly fans of the late-night dining scene. Blue Ribbon Brasserie welcomes diners until the early hours of the morning, creating a warm and welcoming ambience with low lighting and details like velvet upholstery. Sample the best comfort food you've ever eaten, savor remarkably fresh seafood, and enjoy classic mains like the hangar steak with wild mushrooms or roasted duck club. There's something to be said for American dishes done right at Blue Ribbon Brasserie.

Grimaldi's Pizzeria

Das nahe dem Wasser gelegene legendäre Lokal Grimaldi’s bietet herrlichste Pizzas zu günstigen Preisen. Diese werden im Steinofen zubereitet und haben neben einem herrlich knusprigen Boden auch reichlich Belag, was den Verzehr zu einem wahren kulinarischen Genuss macht. Eine große Pizza kostet weniger als USD 15 (EUR 16). Keine Reservierungsmöglichkeit, wodurch man sich gemeinsam mit einer Vielzahl anderer hungriger Mäuler im Freien anstellen muss. Keine Kreditkarten.


With pride of place accorded to it, given its location in the Time Warner Centre building at New York City’s Columbus Circle, Masa is a sushi lovers’ paradise. Their menu is not set in stone. Owner and Head Chef Masayoshi Takayama decides on every dish served here. Only the freshest local catch and produce, along with fish largely sourced from Japan go into these dishes. To add to this, the restaurant has earned a place in the prestigious Michelin guide and is known for being among the world’s most expensive restaurants. Its elegant wooden interiors make the ambience surreal, and the team of customer-facing staff provide immaculate service, thereby offering patrons an incredible, unprecedented dining experience. The restaurant policy of mandatory reservations in advance is in view of the limited number of guests it can delight at any given point in time.

Tombolino Restaurant

This elegant restaurant is an all rounder. The ambiance is soft and perfect for fine dining. Staff and service is very professional and attentive. While dining here, do not miss out on trying out from the wide selection of about 500 wines available from around the globe. Known for its Pastas, some of the other dishes worth trying are Burrata, Fiocchi con Formaggio with pear and the Pollo alla Martini. Also, host a private event or gathering here, the catering is great. Visit the website for more information.

Chateau of Spain

Chateau of Spain offers exquisite Spanish cuisine with an elegant dining experience. The interiors are tastefully decorated with soft lights, wooden furniture and artistic paintings. The extensive use of wood sets the tone of the the decor in whole. Delicious and garnished beautifully, the food promises to capture the essence of Spanish cuisine. The menu has an eclectic assortment of Spanish delicacies along with a few Portuguese culinary delights as well. The place is perfect for intimate family lunches, birthday parties or grand wedding dinners. Whatever be the occasion, Chateau of Spain restaurant promises to deliver a dining experience to cherish forever.

0,6 5992 999 1 4,2|106,2|107 [["Le Bernardin","40.761582004301","-73.981801881829","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","155 West 51st Street, New York, NY, 10019","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/99391-le-bernardin"],["Blue Ribbon Brasserie","40.725515190389","-74.003009619202","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","97 Sullivan Street, New York, NY, 10012","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/349111-blue-ribbon-brasserie"],["Grimaldi's Pizzeria","40.702644301953","-73.993249278878","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1 Front Street, New York, NY, 11201","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/5341-grimaldi-s-pizzeria"],["Masa","40.768818589727","-73.982771768691","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","10 Columbus Circle, New York, NY, 10019","https:\/\/\/de\/new-york\/347203-masa"],["Tombolino Restaurant","40.91325318501","-73.857751986123","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","356 Kimball Avenue, Yonkers, NY, 10704","https:\/\/\/de\/yonkers\/784099-tombolino-restaurant"],["Chateau of Spain","40.731208153062","-74.173880461668","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","11 Franklin Street, Newark, NJ, 07102","https:\/\/\/de\/newark-nj\/1005684-chateau-of-spain"]] adayincity 99391,349111,5341,347203,784099,1005684 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
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