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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Astoria

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The Astoria Column

The Astoria Column, a beacon on the Pacific Northwest Coastline, is a wooden tower that stands on the Coxcomb Hill. The highest point of the tower enables visitors to enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, the Columbia River, and the volcanic mountain Mount Rainier. The concrete tower was built in 1926 and features 164 steps that end at the spectacular observation deck. The historic monument is adorned with art and inscriptions of the city's history. Steeped in history, the column is an unmissable attraction in Astoria.

Flavel House Museum

The Queen-styled Victorian house of the former captain George, the Flavel House Museum, has been given the recognition of a historic site. Within the house, visitors will encounter furnishings that reflect the history of Astoria. The house is defined by a octagon tower with beautiful, ancient themed verandas. The on-site Carriage House now serves as a gift and goods store. Aesthetically pleasing to every visitor, the house is certainly a must visit attraction to every person at the city of Astoria. Call ahead for more information.

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park

Sprawling across more than 125 acres (51 hectares), Lewis and Clark National Historical Park is home to a replica of Fort Clatsop, the encampment of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803. A historic canoe landing and spring are also located within the park. Visitors can use the memorial for the day by hiking the picturesque trails, observing the unique flora and fauna, enjoying a leisurely picnic in one of the designated areas, and exploring the fort, salt works, and other historic sights.

Fort Astoria

Named for John Jacob Astor of the Pacific Fur Company, this neck of the woods was established to counter a Lewis and Clark fur trading camp. Fort Astoria's construction began in 1811, making it the oldest American settlement on North America's Pacific coast. Today, the old fur-trading depot also guards the mouth of America's largest east-west river, the Columbia. Today, the carefully restored fort forms an important landmark of Astoria. Surrounded by a small garden, it makes for a tranquil space to stop by.

Astoria Riverwalk

Astoria Riverwalk stretches along the Astoria and Columbia River Railroad offering a spectacular view of the city from the waterfront. You will find many historical buildings, restaurants, bars, and museums along the trail. You could take a guided ride of the city in the Astoria Trolley. It is a popular tourist attraction and a great way to get acquainted with the historic sites of the city. It is also an important ecological site as thousands of birds gather on the shore every year during migration. Sea lions basking in the sun is a popular sight on the riverfront. The trail extends to the lagoons and ends at Tongue Point.

United States Lightship Columbia (WLV-604)

The United States Lightship Columbia is the fourth and final lightship stationed at the jaws of the River Columbia. It was established in 1851 and is located in Astoria, Oregon, and was the first lightship to shine a beam on the river. The working and functioning of the ship demanded as many as 17 members on board, with ten on duty at all times. It is 128 foot (39 meters) in length with a beam of 30 foot (9.1 meters).

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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