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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Baker

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Lehman Caves

Lodged along one of the country's most secluded highways, and burrowed inside Great Basin National Park, is a spellbinding troupe of cavernous creations. With roots that can be traced back by 600 million years, Lehman Caves portray a bewildering interplay of karst systems, replete with looming stalactites, layers of flowstone and ample sedimentary remains. Packed with seemingly lustrous limestone formations, this cave is dotted with walking trails which bear naturally-formed wonders like the 'Cypress Swamp', a collection of pendant stalactites and stalagmites, largely representing a cypress swamp. The cavernous expanse of these caves serves as an encompassing ecosystem, a haven for a host of creatures like crickets, springtails, chipmunks and various species of bats. Adding to the charm of the majestic surrounds is the Lehman Caves Visitors' Center which houses the 'Forgotten Winchester', a conserved rifle manufactured in 1882, but which was discovered only in 2014, lying in the depths of the national park.

Wheeler Peak Bristlecone Pine Grove

The Wheeler Peak Bristlecone Pine Grove is one of the many bristlecone groves in the Great Basin National Park. It is one of the most easy-to-reach pine groves in the park, featuring a short, but steep trail, that meanders toward it. It is interesting to note that these unique and fascinating bristlecone pines grow on quartzite rock fragments, instead of limestone and dolomite. During the summer, the park offers informative walks around Bristlecone Pine Grove which are led by the rangers.

Great Basin National Park

Spread across 77,180 acres (31,234 hectares), the Great Basin National Park is an ecological haven. Established in 1986, the park has today become a center point of nature and adventure alike. Laced by a tapestry of soaring peaks and vegetation-covered mountains, this sprawling national park is shrouded in pristine allure which is framed by exuberant wilderness including entrancing thickets of sage, pine, aspen, juniper, and conifer. The sweeping topography of this park is cleaved by a tracery of winding trails, crystalline streams, and creeks, resembling a picture drawn straight out of a postcard. A canvas of vibrant beauty come spring, this sprawling national park is a sight to behold, with its interminable offering of aged trees, and rolling woods dotted with dainty campsites. Home to the famed Lehman Caves, the Great Basin National Park hosts an array of activities ranging from hiking, climbing, water sports, winter sports, camping and wildlife spotting among others.

Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive

Starting from Nevada Highway 488, Wheeler Peak Scenic Drive leads to the Wheeler Peak in the Great Basin National Park. This 12-miles (19 kilometers) long winding road offers stunning views of the majestic mountains, valleys and the Great Basin Desert. As you drive to the top, you will spot a variety of animals like coyotes, marmots, jackrabbits and mule deer. This road is also a starting point for several hiking trails like Wheeler Peak Summit Trailhead and the Osceola Ditch.

Mather Overlook

Set in the beautiful Great Basin National Park, Mather Overlook features several viewing decks and a boardwalk. Head to these viewing platforms and revel in the breathtaking views of the vistas, which includes mountains and valleys. This lookout point is named after Stephen Mather, who was National Park Service’s former director. This lookout point also has a bronze structure that depicts the Wheeler cirque area. During the warm summer months, this area is covered in lush green trees and visitors can smell trees like pine, aspen and mahogany.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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