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Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine

La imagen de la bandera estadounidense flameando sobre Fort McHenry durante la guerra de 1812 inspiró a Francis Scott Key a escribir el himno nacional, el 'Star Spangled Banner' ('La bandera tachonada de estrellas'). Una réplica de esa bandera ondea en el puerto, que ahora es un tranquilo Parque Nacional. El cuartel restaurado realiza exhibiciones de artículos militares e históricos con un sendero bien cuidado que corre a lo largo de la orilla del mar, con vistas espectaculares de los buques que entran y salen del puerto. Se aceptan pases de Parques Nacionales.

Inner Harbor

Inner Harbor has come to be a significant place in the city of Baltimore and is considered a must-visit attraction. The small waterfront, which serves as a top destination, rose to prominence during the 1950s when it was revitalized for recreational and leisure activities along with grass-covered parks for its people. Over the next decade, parks and plazas, buildings and hotels, and even corporate conventions and government units were added to the Inner Harbor. Places like Maryland Science Center, Reginald F. Lewis Museum, and Ripley’s Believe it Or Not - Odditorium are major attractions that delight people of all ages. The area still embraces its glorious history and the Baltimore Museum of Industry is an apt example. Admirers of the past can take a step back in time by visiting any or all of the five historic ships that are permanently stationed at the Inner Harbor. The elevated 27th floor of the World Trade Center situated in the Inner Harbor allows a bird-eye view of the city of Baltimore.

Evergreen Museum & Library

La Universidad Johns Hopkins posee y opera esta mansión de estilo italiano de 1850 de 48 habitaciones. El lugar está decorado con pinturas y esculturas post-impresionistas, libros raros, lámparas chandelier Tiffany, porcelanas chinas, Netsuke de Japón y tapices belgas del siglo XVII. La impresionante casa alberga el único teatro privado de Baltimore diseñado por Leon Bakst, quien es más conocido por Los Ballets Rusos. Llamar para obtener información sobre conferencias, exposiciones de escultura y otras actividades. Se ofrecen visitas guiadas de una hora. Cerrado los días festivos.

Patapsco Valley State Park

With several designated recreation areas, Patapsco Valley State Park is a verdant expanse for anyone who is looking to spend some time in the great outdoors. The Patapsco River snakes its way across the park, inviting you for a memorable canoe ride or a very rewarding fishing session. Walk amid the tall trees, explore vantage points, hidden brooks, and small swimming holes, admire the local wildlife, and bask in the glory of nature. If you have a bike or horse, fret not, for there are special trails designed for these activities as well. Those planning to stay the night can make use of the campsites ranging from those equipped to serve RVs to simple camps where you can stay in a tent for the night.

MA & PA Railroad Heritage Trail

The Ma & Pa Heritage Trail follows the historic Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad. Overall stretching up to 6.25-mile (10.1 kilometers), the charming trail encompasses three link trails, such as Bel Air Trail, Forest Hill Trail, and Fallston Link. All three trails are popular for their rustic setting, ideal for a wholesome outdoor experience. Nature enthusiasts can explore the beauty by running, walking, bicycling, and horseback riding.

Maryland Zoo in Baltimore

Nestled in one of the most picturesque parks in the city, the Maryland Zoo is home to more than 1,500 animals. Although the zoo boasts contemporary exhibits where lions, giraffes, elephants, and several species of monkeys roam freely, remnants of the Victorian era remain. Some mammals are housed in large barred cages built a century ago. The Maryland wilderness exhibit, where visitors explore a cave populated by timber rattlesnakes and walk under swimming river otters, is very popular, as is the farmyard with friendly domestic animals.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 26 0 0 0,6 6