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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Bath

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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

Arriving by train from London, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, is the first impressive building that visitors will notice. On the riverside just before the railway station, it boasts the tallest spire in Bath and was built in 1862. Unusual rococo inside with pillars of Red Devonshire marble either side of the aisle, an ornate altar and ceiling, it's a large peaceful church rarely crowded for services. Also fairly original, next to the votive candle stand (an exclusively Catholic phenomenon), is a book where people write in the objects of their prayers. Visiting Polish priests occasionally celebrate mass here.

The Royal Crescent

John Wood the Younger's masterpiece, often called the 'finest crescent in Europe' was built between 1767 and 1775, and has housed many famous residents including the Prince of Wales and Duke of York, first and second sons of George III. It consists of one hundred and fourteen Ionic columns supporting a continuous cornice over two hundred yards long. Originally divided into thirty choice mansions, today the middle buildings form the elegant and sumptuous Royal Crescent Hotel and the museum.

The Circus

The Circus is the embodiment of John Wood the Elder's vision: to create buildings with all the grandeur of Palladian palaces but all the convenience of a row of private houses. Planned as a speculative venture to be let or sold, and at various times it was home to such luminaries as William Pitt, Thomas Gainsborough and William Gladstone. The Circus was designed by Wood in 1754, and looks rather like a Roman amphitheater turned inside out, its three tiers embellished with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian columns. It was Wood's enthusiasm for the Palladian revival that was responsible for the particular unity of style that characterizes Bath to this day. And it was Ralph Allen whose generosity translated Wood's architectural dreams into the squares and crescents of this gracious city.

Baños Romanos

This extravagant ancient bath complex is an excellent example of Ancient Roman spa architecture dating back as far as 43CE. Built around three hot springs that steam and bubble at a constant 46 degrees centigrade (115 degrees fahrenheit), the baths offer insight into the daily life of the Romans. A Sacred Spring feeds the Great Bath and the complex opens out into a series of changing rooms and baths to either side of the central bath. As per tradition, there is also a cold plunge pool for bathers to cool off after a hot sauna. The complex also features a temple devoted to Sulis Minerva, the Celtic goddess of healing and fertility that the Romans worshipped as Minerva Medica. Exhibits and Roman artifacts include a famous stone relief of the Gorgon's Head, mosaics, stone coffins, and a gilded head from a statue of Sulis Minerva.

Thermae Bath Spa

Britain's only natural thermal spa, Thermae Bath Spa offers you warm, natural mineral-rich waters to soak the chill away. To soothe your mind and body, the spa offers a wide range of treatments. You can even book for the different spa sessions like the New Royal Bath or the Cross Bath. The spa uses water from natural springs which lie beneath the city of Bath. Heated, mineral-rich water flows from these natural springs everyday. One can also try the Minerva Bath, open-air roof top pool, aroma steam rooms and waterfall shower. Top off the bath with a nice healthy bite at Springs Cafe & Restaurant.

The Assembly Rooms

The Bath Assembly Rooms have been the meeting place for public entertainment since the 1700s. The Ball Room is the largest space, and is used for dance, concerts, exhibitions and conversation. The Octagon Room's shape was suited for card playing among the menfolk, while the women often retired at the tea room. An additional card room was added at the back, which now serves as a bar area. The architecture is quintessentially Georgian and exudes a timeless elegance. Costumes of the kind worn in the 18th Century as well as exquisite garments, old and new, are housed in the Fashion Museum on the lower floor of the building.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 541 0 0 0,6 6