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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Birmingham

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Parque Cannon Hill

Este es el parque ideal para toda la familia, ya que ofrece una gran variedad de servicios, que incluyen paseos en bote por el lago, juegos infantiles, canchas de tenis, invernaderos y reservas naturales. Aquí también se encuentra el Centro De Arte Midland. El lugar cuenta con sendas peatonales y bicisendas, y organiza una gran variedad de conciertos y un evento anual de fuegos artificiales llamado Fireworks Fantasia. La admisión al parque es gratuita.

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

Housing one of the world's finest collections of Pre-Raphaelite art, with works by Rossetti, Ford Madox Brown and Holman Hunt, Birmingham's principal museum and gallery is located in a stunning Victorian building. The museum displays works by British and European artists, along with collections of ceramics, sculpture, silver and stained glass. You can also find archaeological, ethnographic and local history exhibits, including Egyptian mummies.

Birmingham Back to Backs

As the only surviving example of the once prevalent Back to Backs of Birmingham, these historic buildings are a rare treasure. During the 19th Century, a number of buildings were built back to back around a common courtyard to meet the demands of the rapidly growing population of the city as a result of industrialization. These houses were inhabited by the working class who managed to survive in these cramped quarters. Each of the four Back to Backs around the courtyard has been restored and refurnished as a representation of four different time periods, giving visitors an extremely rare opportunity to take a peek into the lives of the ordinary working men and women of the 1840s, 1870s, 1930s and 1970s. Only a few slots are available each day and prior reservations are a must if you wish to visit these homes.

Ash End House Children's Farm

A fun day out for children, especially since the emphasis is on close contact with the animals. Youngsters can hold newly-hatched chicks, take a pony ride and help to feed the animals. All your familiar farmyard friends are here, and some less familiar in the form of rare breeds. There are also demonstrations of traditional crafts associated with the farm, such as wool spinning. The farm is both interesting and educational and parents should enjoy it too.

Library of Birmingham

Birmingham's main library was opened in 2013 and is one of the most recognizable and visited buildings in England's second city. The Birmingham's library is the largest public library in the UK and is as remarkable as looking on the inside as it is on the outside. As soon as you walk in you feel like you're in some sort of literary spaceship. And the collections are just as out of this world, including the Boulton and Watt Archives, the Parker collection of children's books and several notable photography collections and archives. In addition, the library houses the Shakespeare Memorial Room, designed in 1882 and moved from the old central library to this one.

Plaza Victoria

Esta plaza ha cambiado mucho en los últimos diez años. El Ayuntamiento de Birmingham se encuentra en la plaza, pero escalones reemplazaron a la pendiente y ahora hay una gran fuente con una escultura conocida por los lugareños como la Floozie in the Jacuzzi. Para adornar el lugar, se encuentra lámparas de piedra y estatuas de esfinges, al igual que una estatua de la Reina Victoria. La Plaza Victoria se ha convertido en un popular punto de encuentro y lugar de descanso de la ciudad.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 140 0 0 0,6 6