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Museum of Hostages

Museum of Hostages features records of prisoners who suffered in Begunje prison during the Second World War. During your visit, you will come across harsh stories of the prisoners, scribbled on the walls of Katzenstein Mansion. A documentary features atrocities committed by the Nazis including the shooting of war prisoners. You can also visit Draga Valley situated nearby where several prisoners of war have been buried.

Brezje Crib Museum

Muzej jaslic or the Nativity Museum is a fascinating establishment. Nestled in the quaint town of Brezje, this museum boasts an extensive collection of cribs from all across the globe. A tour through the numerous rooms of the museum offers visitors a glimpse into the splendid world of cribs, their history and their many varied forms. The Passion, Pentecost and Resurrection cribs are among the most noteworthy and highlighted exhibits of the museum. While Slovenia boasts a bevy of ecclesiastical landmarks, this one-of-a-kind museum in Brezje stands out among all.

Kropa Blacksmith Museum

Slovenia is steeped in rich history of ironworks. The Kropa Blacksmith Museum, located in the sleepy town of Kropa, is a testament to the country’s ironworks and blacksmith heritage. Beginning with the origins of the industry, the museum takes visitors through the many milestones that led to the success and eventual collapse of the industry. Home to the famed Vigenjc Vice, a sprawling display of 19th-century hand-forged nails, the museum is a curious destination for history buffs. If you too find yourself yearning to learn about a pivotal chapter in the history of Slovenia, do head to the Kropa Blacksmith Museum.

Vigenjc Vice

Housed within the Kropa Blacksmith Museum is the fascinating Vigenjc Vice. Offering a glimpse into the blacksmith heritage of the country, this ancient foundry was the site where blacksmiths hand forged hundreds of types of nails. A visit to the blackened interiors of the museum reveal a well-preserved display of 19th-century equipment. The interactive experience on offer allows you to try your hand at the art of forging nails. When in Kropa, one must plan a combined visit of the Kropa Blacksmith Museum and the Vigenjc Vice.

Liznjek Farm

The ethnographic museum of Liznjek Farm is located in the Kranjska Gora town of Slovenia. This former 18th-century farmhouse has been renovated into a cultural museum that houses many important artefacts and documents about cultural history. The building is a modest structure made of brick and exhibits the simple architectural elements prevalent during its inception years.

0,6 23 4 1 5,7,6 208 Cheap 208|cheap|Barato [["Keltenwelt Fr\u00f6g","46.582060894216","14.019987799827","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bergweg 22, Rosegg, 9232","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/rosegg\/1263423-keltenwelt-fr\u00f6g"],["Museum of Hostages","46.37700153986","14.201243091152","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Begunje na Gorenjskem 55, Begunje na Gorenjskem, 4275","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/begunje-na-gorenjskem\/1387609-museum-of-hostages"],["Brezje Crib Museum","46.32873600809","14.232211168849","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Brezje 72, Brezje, 4243","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/brezje\/1387712-brezje-crib-museum"],["Kropa Blacksmith Museum","46.290049816631","14.203563647923","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kropa 10, Kropa, 4245","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kropa\/1089239-kropa-blacksmith-museum"],["Vigenjc Vice","46.289332646768","14.201087704349","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Off Route 635, Kropa, 4245","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kropa\/1387706-vigenjc-vice"],["Liznjek Farm","46.485468358974","13.787662330303","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Borov\u0161ka Cesta 63, Kranjska Gora, 4280","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kranjska-gora\/898123-liznjek-farm"]] adayincity 1263423,1387609,1387712,1089239,1387706,898123 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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