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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Boise

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Filarmónica de Boise

Aunque la música country sigue siendo la predominante en Idaho, esta filarmónica calma las ansias de los amantes de la música clásica con una excelente selección de conciertos todo el año. Los conciertos se celebran en el Centro Morrison Para las Artes Escénicas y en el Auditorio Swayne, cerca de Nampa, y los mejores músicos de la zona convidan a los espectadores con un poco de todo, desde Berlioz hasta Beethoven. No es extraño ver que en los conciertos participan artistas internacionales. En el repertorio de la filarmónica se destaca El Mesías de Hendel todos los años en diciembre. En mayo podrá disfrutar de un concierto familiar libre y gratuito.

Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial

Situated on the Boise River near the Boise Public Library, Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial is part of the Boise Greenbelt. Stopping by this memorial featuring a statue of Anne Frank, a well-maintained garden. a small amphitheater and water fountains is a must while in the neighborhood. This educational park also features a quote wall inscribed with quotes of different famous personalities from around the globe. Here, you will also find an plaque reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

St. John's Cathedral

Idaho's largest cathedral stretches across an entire city block and has ceilings that soar up to 50 feet, but its size does not detract from its simple elegance. Warm, rich tones light the interior and intricate paintings climb the walls. Opening in 1921, the sandstone cathedral follows a Romanesque design, based on a Mainz, Germany cathedral. Even though the cathedral underwent a restoration in 1979, it retains an old-world feeling. Be sure to check out the impressive narrative stained-glass windows.

Boise Little Theater

This community theater resembles a dome-shaped hat sitting on top of a plain, almost dumpy, body of a building. But inside the Boise Little Theater, there is nothing plain about the acting. One of the longest-running community theaters in the nation, this theater provides Boise audiences with live entertainment from one-act plays to melodramas. Past season highlights have included "Noises Off" and "Exit the Body."

Idaho Black History Museum

Located in historic St. Paul Baptist Church, the Idaho Black History Museum celebrates Idaho's black culture. Open since 1995, the museum offers visitors many interesting historical tidbits, such as a look at Idaho's black cowboys and miners, and Idaho's contribution to the Civil Rights Movement. The building itself also has an interesting historical legacy as one of the first African-American churches in the Boise area, founded in 1909. Activities include storytelling, workshops, lectures and musical performances.

Museo de Geología y Minería

Todo lo que siempre queria saber sobre la minería y la geología está aquí. Aproveche este recurso y aprenda todo lo que pueda sobre el pasado minero de Idaho mientras observa las fotografías y artefactos históricos. Este es un viaje ideal para quienes quieran combinar una visita a la Vieja Penitenciaría Estatal de Idaho, que se encuentra justo al lado. El museo cuenta con distintas exposiciones que muestran la increíble variedad de características geológicas de Idaho. Además, este museo organiza charlas especiales, viajes de campo y otros programas educativos con bastante frecuencia. La entrada es libre y gratuita.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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