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Duración aproximada : 2 hr

Primera clasificación Atractivos en Budapest

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)
Danube River

The second-largest river in Europe, the Danube has always been an aesthetic part of the culture of Budapest. The majestic, meandering river bisects the city into two distinct parts, the hilly region of Buda and the cosmopolitan Pest. The banks of the river are filled with some of the city's best attractions like the Buda Castle and the Duna Palota, which showcase the city's rich history and culture. Tourists may take a cruise along the river, which explores some of its best sights. Alternatively, they can choose to walk along the banks and explore it first-hand.

Palatinus strand

This huge swimming pool complex also features hot baths and lots of open space. It is rare in that it offers nude sunbathing in the heart of the city - there is both a women-only and a mixed area. There is also an exhilarating wave pool as well as lots of other facilities such as a children's playground and restaurant. This is a great place to stop off for a break after a walk around the island. Originally opened in the early 1920's, it has since expanded to what it is today 30,000 (322,000 square feet) square meters of park and pool area.

Hungarian National Gallery

Housed within the Royal Buda Castle, on Szent György tér, the National Gallery is a not-to-be-missed attraction for art lovers and enthusiasts. Established in 1957, the prestigious gallery is home to almost the entire history of Hungarian art; thus chronicling the progress of fine arts in the country. Some of the artworks housed here date as far back as 10th Century! Some of the masterpieces featured in this glorious institution includes Woman Dressed in Polka Dots Robe by József Rippl-Rónai and Mihály Munkácsy's Christ before Pontius Pilate. Open all week, except Mondays, the Hungarian National Gallery or Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, as it is locally called, is open to general population between 10a and 6p.

The Hungarian National Museum

La sola arquitectura de este museo garantiza una parada, pero también jugó un papel muy importante en la historia de Hungría; Petofi recitó su famoso "himno nacional" desde los escalones en 1848; hay una placa que conmemora este famoso evento. El interior del museo también es deslumbrante, con el uso lujoso del mármol y la arquitectura ceremonial. Las exhibiciones cuentan toda la historia de la nación húngara.

Museum of Applied Arts

This spectacular building (designed by Lechner) caused much controversy when it opened. Today it is generally considered a masterpiece, although it has been considerably toned down over the years. Lovers of architecture and interior design simply must visit. The displays inside are almost all temporary but there is a permanent exhibition of Hungarian arts and crafts. It is worth noting that this was only the third such museum in the world (the first being in London, the second in Vienna).

Baños Termales Széchenyi 

Aunque la cultura de las aguas termales tiene sus raíces en el Imperio Romano, esta importante tradición húngara empezó a tomar forma cuando el país se encontraba bajo dominio otomano, durante los siglos XVI y XVII. Los Baños Termales Széchenyi, además de ser un lugar popular tanto para turistas como para lugareños de la capital, también constituyen el complejo termal más extenso de toda Europa. Cuenta con 15 piscinas cubiertas y 3 piscinas al aire libre, y su agua es suministrada por dos fuentes de aguas termales con características medicinales. Al llegar, los visitantes pueden recibir asesoramiento de parte de un equipo calificado, relajarse con un masaje o una terapia rejuvenecedora, o disfrutar de actividades al aire libre en las piscinas, entre muchas otras cosas.

0,6 57 10 1 5,7,6 F-TA Approximate Duration: 2 hr F-TA|approximate-duration|Duración aproximada [["Danube River","47.485667600652","19.055788944681","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Budapest, Budapest, 1093","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/959085-danube-river"],["Palatinus strand","47.527946471615","19.047034349713","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Margitsziget, Budapest, 1138","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/146173-palatinus-strand"],["Hungarian National Gallery","47.496114374988","19.039657745409","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Szent Gy\u00f6rgy t\u00e9r 2, Budapest, 1014","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/152202-hungarian-national-gallery"],["The Hungarian National Museum","47.49120005388","19.062475699879","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Muzeum Korut 14-16, Budapest, 1088","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/152206-the-hungarian-national-museum"],["Museum of Applied Arts","47.486118393137","19.068284775768","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","\u00dcll\u0151i \u00datca 33-37, Budapest, 1091","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/152410-museum-of-applied-arts"],["Ba\u00f1os Termales Sz\u00e9chenyi\u00a0","47.518657414343","19.082380578668","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Allatkerti Korut 9-11, Budapest, 1146","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/budapest\/146760-ba\u00f1os-termales-sz\u00e9chenyi"]] adayincity 959085,146173,152202,152206,152410,146760 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 57 0 0 0,6 6