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Barclay Farmstead

Barclay Farm House is a Federal-style farmhouse dating back to the 19th Century. Spanning across 32 acres (12.95 hectares) of land, the farmhouse features a herb garden, farm buildings, playground, community gardens, orchard and nature trails following River Cooper. Besides numerous tours of the interiors, the house also plays host to outdoor concerts, craft fairs and other such cultural events. If you want to glimpse at a slice of local history and culture, then a visit to Barclay Farm House can be a great idea. Note that besides the usual timings, Barclay Farm House is also open to the public on the first Sunday of every month from April to November between 12p to 4p.

Croft Farm Arts Center

Located close to Evans Pond, the Croft Farm Arts Center was once a mill and a farm which has since been converted into a multipurpose venue. The center hosts a variety of local and cultural events, meetings and seminars. Within the large space, the Croft Farm Arts Center is home to smaller venues such as the Carriage House, the Kay Evans House, and four studio rooms. In the past, the center has hosted classical concerts, cabaret shows and photography exhibitions.


Haddonfield is a picturesque borough in New Jersey's Camden County. Incorporated in 1875, it is named after Elizabeth Haddon, an early settler in the region. Home to a number of picturesque parks, Haddonfield is a beautiful destination for a family getaway in the state. The downtown is a blend of local shops, galleries and eateries, making for a wonderful touristy experience. The hometown of many notable people, the town attracts many tourists every year, thanks to its small-town, bucolic charm. Notable attractions here include the Indian King Tavern Museum, the Hadrosaurus Foulkii Leidy Site and the Greenfield Hall.


Collingswood is a borough in New Jersey's Camden County. Every year, the town hosts a variety of lively festivals and music shows that attract many tourists and visitors to its abode. With its history tracing back to the Quaker people, Collingswood developed as a dry town. The Downtown Haddon Avenue in the town, which was ranked as the "#1 Small-town Food Scene in America" is known for its eclectic blend of restaurants and shops that attract crows of enthusiastic travelers.

Basílica de San Pedro y San Pablo

Debido a su arquitectura fascinante y su grandeza total, la Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo es un sitio imperdible si visitan Filadelfia. Esta catedral preciosa es uno de los puntos de referencia de una de las poblaciones católicas más numerosas del país. Fue diseñada por el célebre arquitecto Napoleo LeBrun y construida entre 1846 y 1864 con una mezcla de influencias paladinas e italianas. El bellísimo baldaquino ubicado sobre el altar evidencia una fuerte influencia italiana, mientras que la fachada de la iglesia refleja el estilo paladino. De hecho, creerán que están en Europa dentro de esta catedral. Embárquense en un audio tour y aprendan más sobre las ocho capillas, el santuario de 2.000 asientos, el domo abovedado de cobre y el espectacular ábside con sus tallados en mármol rojo y sus vitrales. Durante el recorrido, se familiarizarán con la fascinante historia de la basílica. Al ser la iglesia católica más grande de Pensilvania, el monumento es parte del Registro Nacional de Sitios Históricos.

Museo de Arte de Filadelfia

El Museo de Arte de Filadelfia cuenta con más de 200 galerías repletas de tesoros que cubren todos los continentes y todas las culturas, y que llegan a las más de 400.000 obras de arte. El enorme edificio de piedra, soportado por unas majestuosas columnas de estilo dórico, se alza frente al Río Schuylkill. Suban los escalones que pasaron a la historia en las películas de "Rocky".

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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