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Best Mediterranean in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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Barbuzzo Restaurant

Barbuzzo is a trendy Mediterranean restaurant and bar in Center City. The restaurant has a rustic feel to it with its wood oven pizzas & roasting, counter seating at the marbled bar and kitchen counter which overlooks the open kitchen, outdoor patio and the Mediterranean farm cuisine. The food is beautifully handcrafted such as the uovo pizza with spring onion, guanciale, fava leaves & farm egg, house made Sheeps Milk Ricotta and Burrata From Puglia. Don't forget to try their famous Salted caramel Budino dessert. A great place to enjoy the delightful food whether vegetarian or not, Barbuzzo will definitely grow in you.

110 South 13th Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19107
Kanella Grill

Kanella Grill all but transports you to the Mediterranean. This restaurant has several Greek and Middle Eastern influences that are quite evident in their delicious dips of the day as well as other lovely dishes such as fisherman's stew and Kanella platter. Head chef Konstantinos Pitsillides has really put a lot of thought into the menu and makes use of quality ingredients infused with great flavors. One would expect just great mains from such a restaurant, but finish off with a pistachio creme brulee and that assumption will be broken. The service is friendly and helpful, and diners have a choice to sit inside or lounge in the outdoor area.

1001 Spruce Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19107

Zahav es un restaurante muy chic ubicado en un espacio relajado y sin pretensiones, y en el que el chef ejecutivo Michael Solomonov prepara delicias israelíes exóticas que dejarán extasiado el paladar. Para saciar el hambre encontrarán porciones generosas de hummus, pan pita, pollo agrio y haloumi crujiente. Entre los platillos más tradicionales destacan el Tabbouleh de nueces y kale, el Kofte de carne de vaca y de cordero y los hongos Crimini. Los postres son sabrosos y el bar cuenta con los mejores vinos, cervezas y cócteles. En pocas palabras, este es el sitio perfecto en el que probar sabores rústicos y bebidas reconfortantes.

237 Saint James Place, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19106
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