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Best Desserts in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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The Franklin Fountain

Helados artesanales, golosinas heladas, Franklin Fudge, gaseosas y demás productos de panadería forman parte del menú de esta heladería de otras épocas. Aprendan todo sobre el pasado de Franklin Fountain con una visita a la exposición Franklin Fountainalia. Si necesitan una recomendación, prueben el waffle con helado que se sirve cubierto de "fudge" caliente y crema batida. A cualquier hora del día o de la noche, vengan a comer unas enormes bochas de sus sabores de helado favoritos.

116 Market Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19106
Bredenbeck's Bakery & Ice Cream Parlor

Get the best of both worlds- an ice cream parlor inside a bakery. Bredenbeck's has certainly cornered the market on sweets from their small storefront in Chestnut Hill. They're experts in everything from butter cookies to wedding cakes. Their treats are sure to satisfy any cravings your sweet tooth might have. They even have pet-friendly sweets for your dog! Make sure to check out the variety in their ice cream parlor. They often feature the hard-to-find "Gadzooks" ice cream made popular by Philadelphia radio personalities "Preston and Steve." Prices range from $2 for a small treat to $30 and up for larger cakes.

8126 Germantown Avenue, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19118
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