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Best Singles Bars in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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Woody's Bar

Un club de baile, un punto de encuentro gay, un bar y un cybercafé, Woody's Bar tiene más de un propósito. Woody's Bar está poblado mayormente por hombres, pero ocasionalmente alguna que otra mujer también cruza la puerta. Con varios pisos y muchos metros cuadrados, Woody's les permitirá beber algo, bailar y también usar internet de forma gratuita en el Cybercafé del nivel superior. Así que ya sea que tengan ganas de bailar o si su interés pasa por las computadoras, el bar les permite elegir con total libertad.

202 South 13th Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19107
Johnny Brenda's

Johnny Brenda's very ambiance would elicit a rapt smile from you as soon as you enter this resto-bar; it's that cheerful! While the decor is zippy, you will be glad to find a balcony extending from the room, where the bands perform. Good music and superb beers accompany fresh and tasty food, especially Mediterranean. While there is a good collection of wines and liquors here, Johnny totally dotes on its cask-conditioned brews. Come here to hang out with some friends in the cool atmosphere. The crowd are in their late 20s and 30s, with possibly some 40-somethings in the midst. The drinks are not watered down or expensive. Enjoy this place knowing well that they will most likely have your drink of choice. The food is delectable, and the shows can be awesome if you know which band to catch.

1201 Frankford Avenue, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19125
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