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Best Secondhand Shops in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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Philly AIDS Thrift

Philly AIDS Thrift es una organización sin fines de lucro que vende prendas, accesorios, muebles y electrónica, todo previamente usado. También encontrarán libros, DVDs, CDs, autos y equipos deportivos. Los clientes compran y venden los distintos productos y hacen donaciones libres de impuestos a la tienda que apoya a distintas organizaciones relacionadas con el SIDA. Los clientes encontrarán muebles vintage, vajilla, estéreos, televisores, viejas cintas y discos, jeans clásicos, blusas, camisetas y abrigos. La ropa de moda y los muebles pintorescos se combinan con una buena causa para generar una experiencia satisfactoria. Visiten el sitio web para más información sobre cómo ser voluntarios en la tienda.

710 South 5th Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19147
Bryn Athyn Thrift Shop

The Bryn Athyn Church manages the Bryn Athyn Thrift Shop. This store is situated within the church premises in a quaint red barn that resembles a toy cottage. Customers can shop for trendy jewelry, apparel and home decor items, including furniture, at inexpensive prices. Here, you can find quirky accessories, paintings and couches as well as sections selling toys, games and electronic equipment. It is most popular for its wide collection of books. This shop is manned by a group of volunteers and the revenue generated is donated to the church and its affiliated elementary school.

510 Tomlinson Road, Bryn Athyn, PA, Estados Unidos, 19009
2nd Avenue Value Store

This branch of 2nd Avenue Value Store is part of a thrift store chain that specializes in second-hand apparel and accessories. Here, customers can shop for designer and niche clothing for women, men and children at a fraction of their original prices. Its racks are replete with colorful blouses, t-shirts and jeans, arranged alongside trendy ballerinas, handbags, belts and earrings. Its merchandise is of a decent standard and forms a good alternative for those on a tight budget. It also sells vases with beautiful shapes and ornate patterns, soft toys, games and electronic equipment. This store is associated with various recycling initiatives and charities.

163 Franklin Mills Boulevard, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19154
[["Philly AIDS Thrift","39.94064000","-75.15110900","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/871604-philly-aids-thrift"],["Bryn Athyn Thrift Shop","40.12901000","-75.05310500","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bryn Athyn, PA, Estados Unidos","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/es\/bryn-athyn-pa\/871583-bryn-athyn-thrift-shop"],["2nd Avenue Value Store","40.09071900","-74.96555900","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/871575-2nd-avenue-value-store"]]
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