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Best Antiques in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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Spring Garden Indoor Antique & Vintage Market

Spring Garden Indoor Antique & Vintage Market es un enorme mercado que solo abre el primer y el tercer sábado de cada mes desde noviembre hasta marzo. Es un verdadero cofre del tesoro repleto de objetos coleccionables, telas, objetos, muebles, ropa, discos y más. Enamórense de los objetos exhibidos y traten de negociar el mejor precio con los vendedores. Con una superficie de más de 3.000 metros cuadrados, tal vez sea conveniente que paren en el patio de comidas antes de empezar. En el complejo encontrarán un cajero automático, lo que indica que no se aceptan tarjetas.

820 Spring Garden Street, Spring Garden, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19123
Anastacia's Antiques

A mutual admiration for Victorian era details and aesthetics brought Scott Evans and Anastacia Fahnestock together to establish Anastacia's Antiques. The charming antique store is overflowing with all kinds of quirky and odd stuff and the assortment of antiques changes constantly. Once you enter Anastacia's Antiques, you are taken on a journey to relive the past through antique showcases and fixtures that set the right mood for a unique experience. It is not difficult to spend hours at this old space, teeming with collectibles and curiosities that leave you intrigued and surprised.

617 Bainbridge Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19147
Philadelphia Salvage

Philadelphia Salvage was launched in the year 2011 and ever since, this store has stocked a diverse collection of industrial and architectural salvage items. Here, you can find funky, delicate and some breathtaking finds. The store gets in new items every week. Some unique and fabulous items are handmade in the shop using reclaimed materials. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures like toilets, tubs and sinks can be found at this antique store, apart from electrical and lighting fixtures. Cabinets, windows, doors, reclaimed lumber, tiles, knick-knacks, flooring and furniture also grace the shelves of this store.

2234 West Westmoreland Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19140
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