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Primera clasificación Restaurantes y cafés en Copenhague

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Kong Hans Kælder

Awarded 2 Michelin stars, Kong Hans Kælder is a great place to relish authentic French cuisine. Seasonal and fine quality ingredients are locally procured and traditional culinary techniques are utilized for the preparation of traditional delicacies. An interesting collection of wines is also offered here, making it a great option for oenophiles. Although the restaurant is set in a vaulted cellar, it exudes an elegant vibe featuring gracefully set candle-lit tables and other classic embellishments. The intimate vibe makes this place ideal for a romantic outing. Reservations are recommended.

Slotskaelderen - hos Gitte Kik

This is a very popular old-style lunch restaurant, not far from Hjbro Plads, dates back to the 18th Century, and has belonged to the Kik family since 1910. Kik is a place where ordinary Danes go for lunch with a beer and schnapps. In this crowded, smoky restaurant, the traditional smørrebrød, (open-faced sandwich) reigns supreme. Here, you won't find a single leaf of coriander or drop of balsamic vinegar: this is old-school Danish. All the open sandwiches available are lined up on a big table, and what you see is exactly what you get! Then you order, and while you wait at your table the open sandwiches are freshly made, typically with rye bread, butter, herring and onions or mature Danish cheese and a drop of rum. Another classic is smoked salmon with fresh dill on it. A good selection of Danish schnapps is available.

Bang & Jensen

Bang & Jensen se encuentra el Istedgade, la antigua zona roja de Copenhague. El interior es divertido y muy kitschy, y el ambiente es amigable. Lo popular aquí son las viejas máquinas de pinball y la mesa de fútbol. La mayor parte de la clientela en este café son jóvenes a la última moda, especialmente jovencitas. Una especialidad de este lugar es el desayuno, el cual se sirve todo el día hasta las 6 P.M. De hecho, es más que un desayuno-almuerzo. Lo único sobre esto es que se te da una forma, la cual llenas exactamente como quieres que se te sirva tu comida.

Cap Horn

This is a restaurant that offers mainly organic cuisine and a unique and fun décor. The portions are quite filling and the prices are moderate. Old enameled signs and an antique fire extinguisher are among the many interesting objects that you will find at Cap Horn. Open from morning until night, the menu consists of dishes with select organic ingredients, and the cooking style is Danish with a strong international touch. If you don't really have time to study the menu, just order the three-course meal of the day, composed of the best dishes available.

Ida Davidsen

If one person is associated with the Danish smørrebrød (open sandwiches) par excellence, it must be Ida Davidsen. In the 1960s she composed the world's longest à la carte list of smørrebrød, which still has locals, tourists and celebrities flocking to her shop. Once you're in line at the sandwich bar, you can pick and choose from a wide range of ingredients and fillings to create your own custom smørrebrød, or you can try one of their tried and true favorites. Be sure to make a reservation.

Cafe Petersborg

Cafe Petersborg, el restaurante café tradicional danés que se ubica entre Kongens Nytorv y Esplanaden, data de mediados de 1700. El nombre proviene del Consulado Ruso que ocupó parte de la casa y de los muchos marineros rusos que por consiguiente frecuentaban el restaurante en el sótano de la casa. Cuando Dinamarca juega partidos nacionales de fútbol, Cafe Petersborg programa preeliminares festivas con mucha comida, cerveza y schnapps. Hay una atmósfera de viejo mundo en los cuatro cuartos con sus vigas de madera. El restaurante atiende a 100 clientes y muchos empresarios han almorzado aquí. Hillary Clinton cenó aquí en 1995.

0,6 664 111 1 4,2|106,2|107 [["Kong Hans K\u00e6lder","55.678776623311","12.584142871186","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Ving\u00e5rdstr\u00e6de 6, Copenhague, 1070","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/81310-kong-hans-k\u00e6lder"],["Slotskaelderen - hos Gitte Kik","55.677912604381","12.580860111516","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Fortunstr\u00e6de 4, Copenhague, 1065","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/47371-slotskaelderen-hos-gitte-kik"],["Bang & Jensen","55.668090792355","12.549530033793","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Istedgade 130, Copenhague, 1650","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/76875-bang-jensen"],["Cap Horn","55.680412453618","12.589399555526","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Nyhavn 21, Copenhague, 1051","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/62876-cap-horn"],["Ida Davidsen","55.684380793525","12.587767994088","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Store Kongensgade 70, Copenhague, 1264","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/79151-ida-davidsen"],["Cafe Petersborg","55.687317774869","12.592991381255","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bredgade 76, Copenhague, 1260","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/80729-cafe-petersborg"]] adayincity 81310,47371,76875,62876,79151,80729 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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