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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Creede

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Wheeler Geologic Area

Carved by volcanic activity, the imposing peaks and jagged tuffs of the Wheeler Geologic Area are a marvel to behold. Adventure enthusiasts will revel in the thrilling 4x4 route meandering across a challenging terrain, while those inclined to hiking can traverse tracks such as the East Bellows Creek Trail and the Wason- Wheeler Trail among others. Volcanic fields, a smattering of greenery, geological wonders, and sloping inclines comprise the surrounding landscape, offering visitors a chance to admire the stunning scenery that defines the area.

Bachelor Loop Interpretive Tour

Explore Creede's mining district through a drive along the Bachelor Loop Interpretive Tour, a trail that offers the opportunity to learn about the area's mining history through interpretative sites scattered across the length of the loop road. In addition to age-old sites frozen in time, you can also admire the natural scenery that unfolds along the track, revealing rugged cliffs, smatterings of pine groves, and splendid rock formations. Along with the mining sites, visitors can also tour the ghost towns located along the interpretative route.

Rio Grande National Forest

Spanning across more than a million acres (7,52,715 hectares), the Rio Grande National Forest spills over into close to nine counties of Colorado. A verdant paradise that conceals within itself the fertile land of the San Luis Valley, the forest is further divided into the wilderness areas of La Garita, Sangre de Cristo, South San Juan, and the Weminuche Wilderness. Throughout the year, the region delights visitors with breathtaking landscapes and ample of recreational opportunities. During summers, the forest is covered in a carpet of wildflowers, while autumn transforms the terrain into a palette that's rich with earthy hues. A snowy cloak engulfs the national forest when winter is at its peak, thus beckoning avid skiers to its frigid yet adventurous environs.


Cradled in the embrace of the towering San Juan Mountains, Creede exudes a quaint charm, its picturesque expanse stippled with longstanding landmarks and historic houses that serve as a testament to its past. Nature and history coexist here, with narrow lanes winding along time-honored establishments even as rugged cliffs loom over their surroundings and attest to the region's natural splendor. While the Creede Historical Society Museum offers an insight into the town's history, the Creede Underground Mining Museum is a veritable treasure trove of mining culture. Several restaurants will regale you with local fare, while souvenir stores will entice you with traditional trinkets and memorabilia. Other attractions to explore in the vicinity include the Wheeler Geologic Area and the Last Chance Mine.

0,6 4 1 1 5,7,6 166 Outdoors 166|outdoors|Viajes deportivas/aventuras [["Wheeler Geologic Area","37.884033552258","-106.78400393687","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Wheeler Geologic Area, Creede, CO, 81130","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/creede\/1330736-wheeler-geologic-area"],["Bachelor Loop Interpretive Tour","37.86460166407","-106.92543666401","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","West Willow Creek Road, Creede, CO, 81130","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/creede\/1330739-bachelor-loop-interpretive-tour"],["Rio Grande National Forest","37.793403772162","-106.91562851236","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Off Colorado Road 550, Creede, CO, 81130","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/creede\/822222-rio-grande-national-forest"],["Creede","37.849281549761","-106.9271442113","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Creede, Creede, CO","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/creede\/1330732-creede"]] adayincity 1330736,1330739,822222,1330732 6 1 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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