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Saxon Switzerland National Park

Saxon Switzerland National Park is a wonderful place to experience the beauty of the wilderness with friends or family. The park features a variety of hiking and biking trails that allow groups to interact with nature and explore the park at their own pace. The park is perhaps best known for its unique sandstone mountains, which may make you feel like you have wandered into a mystical landscape from some fairy tale. Thanks to these rock formations, the park is a popular destination for rock climbers who attempt to scale these colossal sandstone pillars. Nature lovers should keep their eyes out for the owl eagle, which are spotted at this park in large numbers.

Bad Schandau Elevator

Nestled in the town of Saxony, the Bad Schandau Elevator is a truss-tower elevator that drives passengers up to an observation deck. Offering serene, panoramic views of the Elbe River and the city of Bad Schandau, the observation tower is a technical monument. Built by Rudolf Sendig, a hotel owner in the city, the tower is linked to a bridge that allows visitors to enter the woods for a stroll. Once at the top, visitors can savor local delicacies served by a few hilltop food stalls. An enclosure housing a lynx is yet another highlight at the top of the tower. A prime attraction of the city, the Bad Schandau Elevator is a treat for both nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Königstein Fortress

The somewhat arduous ascent to Fortress Königstein is well worth the effort. The old fortress sits proudly atop a hill some 240 meters (787 feet) above the River Elbe and rewards visitors with fantastic views of the Sächsische Schweiz. The grounds of the fortress houses Europe's biggest open-air military history museum, a fascinating depiction of the development of warfare and the history of the fortress itself.


Schwedenlöcher is a George between Bastei massif and the Amselgrund near Rathen in Hohnstein, Germany. It is formed by the erosion of the soft sandstone found here. A hike on this route takes you through 700 steps and two ladders with an altitude shift of about 160 meters (524.93 feet) during your journey. The area is known for a few climbing spots too.


Located near the Amsel Falls, Bastei is a spectacular rock formation near the River Elbe. The formation is composed of sandstone rocks that have been subjected to denudation over time at the hands of the natural elements. The rocks have been excellently captured in the paintings of artists like Caspar David Friedrich. One can enjoy an exhilarating trek or climb the inclines of the rocks and enjoy the view from the top. The rocks can be easily reached from the nearby city of Rathen or onboard a steamer on the River Elbe.

Botanischer Garten Schellerhau

Dating back to 1906, the Botanischer Garten Schellerhau is a lovely place with a variety of plants to see. The garden houses around 1000 species of plants and is known to protect the local species that are endangered. The garden is accessible to public and there are tours provided to the visitors. For more information, please visit the website.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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