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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Dallas

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Dallas Zoo

Dallas Zoo encompasses 106-acres (42 hectares) of exotic and traditional zoo animals. Visitors are greeted at the entrance by one of the tallest statues in Texas - a 67.5 foot (20.5 meters) giraffe. The Wilds of Africa attraction includes the chimpanzee forest, the gorilla center and an aviary on a quarter-mile nature trail where six natural habitats are featured: forest, mountain, woodland, river, desert and brush. A 20-minute monorail ride runs the course of the attraction and costs an additional fee. The ZooNorth attraction includes a bird and reptile building, children's zoo with touchable animals, cheetah exhibit, elephants, giraffes, flamingos and other traditional animals.

Museo del Sexto Piso en Dealey Plaza

Esta es una colección permanente dedicada a los eventos trágicos que llevaron al asesinato del presidente John F. Kennedy. El museo abrió sus puertas en 1989 y se encuentra en el edificio Texas School Book Depository, donde, según se dice, Lee Harvey Oswald le disparó al Presidente. La colección incluye exposiciones conmovedoras del período y sobre la vida y los logros del trigésimo-quinto Presidente de los Estados Unidos. La exposición cuenta con elementos como fotos en tamaño gigante de la policía, datos periodísticos y herramientas auditivas que les permitirán aprender sobre este evento tan trágico que tuvo lugar el 22 de noviembre de 1963.

The Dallas World Aquarium

Descubra esta selva tropical sudamericana llena de monos, coloridos tucanes, cocodrilos, manatís y nutrias. El acuario de esta famosa atracción turística cuenta con unos 321.760 litros de agua salada en la que viven seres marinos de todo el mundo. Los musofágidos (pájaros Turaco) gigantes, perezosos, dragones marinos son solamente algunos de los animales misteriosos que encontrará en este acuario. En la laguna al aire libre encontrará pingüinos africanos.

Reunion Tower

This Dallas landmark has graced the downtown skyline since 1978. Three levels of activity structure, which are encircled in a dome of lights. The triangle formations of the structural cylinders encase the elevators that carry passengers to the top levels in 68 seconds. Over 200 lights add shimmer to the geodesic dome, which can be programmed to form an infinite number of patterns. Some of the more famous include "The Electric Moon," "Texas Raindrops" and "Dallas Disco Fever." The tower opened in 1978, just two years after construction began and only five years after its conception. The Lookout is the lowest of the upper levels and provides both an indoor and outdoor observation area. Visitors can view many points of interest throughout the Dallas area from 360-degrees.

First Presbyterian Church of Dallas

The First Presbyterian Church of Dallas in Dallas' Historic District was founded in 1856 and has been through many incarnations. This church has been a mother church, spawning many of Dallas' other Presbyterian churches throughout the years. The Greek Revival style of the church features monolithic Corinthian columns which were shipped individually on their own flatcars from Indiana.

Cathedral Santuario de Guadalupe

This historic landmark, built from 1898 to 1902 by an architect whose identity remains a mystery, is the sentinel to not only the Catholic Church, but also the essence of a bygone era. This Gothic Revival church has survived monumental changes in the landscape of downtown Dallas. It is built of locally produced brick, and renovations over the decades have retained the integrity and dignity of the original structure. Cathedral Santuario de Guadalupe has served as the base for Dallas' Roman Catholic Bishop since its completion in 1902.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 31 0 0 0,6 6