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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Death Valley National Park

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Artists Palette

Accessible from the Artist's Drive, Artists Palette does complete justice to its name, enchanting visitors with a colorful landscape. The colors on the mountain surface are a result of a chemical reaction of minerals contained in the rocks. The result of the oxidation is a terrain that closely resembles a messy palette of a busy artist.

Mosaic Canyon

Traversing through the Mosaic Canyon is one of Death Valley National Park's major highlights. The canyon is nature's work of art, accentuated by dramatic rock formations and covered with the popular Breccia mosaic that the place is most famous for. The trail that winds through the canyon is a relatively simple one and hence it's quite popular among families as well.

Parque Nacional del Valle de la Muerte

Death Valley National Park is famed for its extreme arid temperatures. While it's difficult to believe, much can survive the sweltering temperatures, which go up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Centigrade), the park's desert wildlife proves otherwise. Home to the Bighorn Sheep, Coyote and the evergreen creosote bush, the desert changes through the seasons and offers up a burst of colors in spring when the wildflowers bloom spectacularly. Top scenic spots include Zabriskie Point, overlooking the multi-hued Furnace Creek, otherworldly Twenty Mule Team Canyon and the badlands, and the desolate Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes.

Telescope Peak

The highest point in Death Valley National Park, Telescope Peak is a formidable peak of the Panamint Range. The peak is named so because it offers seemingly endless views of breathtaking mountains, Mount Whitney and Charleston Peak in Nevada. Though a challenging climb, some dare to reach the summit of the peak with the reward of mesmerizing views.

Badwater Basin

Measuring a depth of approximately 282 feet (86 meters), the Badwater Basin is an endorheic basin . It is regarded as one of North America's Lowest Points. An ethereal site, the place can get incredibly hot during the summer and is best viewed from your vehicle. During winter, people take a walk along the angelic-white surface of the basin. A short walk here will introduce people to the conspicuous salt polygons which are Badwater Basin's most notable feature.

Devils Golf Course

What is known to the world as the Devil's Golf Course today, was in fact a saline lake that existed here thousands of years ago. The lake's water dried over the years, leaving behind salt crystals that were subjected to erosion by wind. The salt crystals are quite dramatic to look at and are known to be pretty sharp, too. This place was named so after the guide book of the National Park Service described it as a place where "Only the devil could play golf". Visitors can also put their ears to the ground to hear the salt crystals contract and expand due to the heat.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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