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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Dublín

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Kilmainham Gaol

Esta vieja cárcel es uno de los edificios históricos más importantes de Dublín. Con un pasado que se remonta a 1796, Kilmainham Gaol es un edificio inmenso que contó entre sus habitantes a hombres, mujeres y hasta niños. La Gaol pasó a la historia por encerrar a rebeldes famosos y prisioneros de guerra. En la actualidad, el edificio es un museo que ofrece exposiciones de colecciones especiales y recorridos guiados.

National Botanic Gardens

A short bus ride from the city center, the splendid Botanic Gardens and its many floral wonders are a stunning treat to the senses. Accentuated all the more by the glimmering waters of River Tolka, these Irish gardens uphold an assemblage of hundreds of thousands of plants, and a smattering of botanical specimens. In all their floral glory, the gardens are a wonderland for naturalists and botany aficionados, its verdant course dotted by a string of splendid greenhouses, like the impressive, structural and glass-clad Curvilinear Range and the Palm House. The great glasshouses full of exotica were constructed in the mid 19th century and designed by Richard Turner, who was also the man behind the glasshouses at Kew Gardens. The gardens are divided into distinct areas of interest, featuring long herbaceous beds, a rose garden, alpine houses, a vegetable garden, orchid beds, an arboretum, a yew-clad walkway along the river, and a wonderful area exhibiting the various natural habitats of Ireland. Also sheltering willows plunging gracefully over gleaming waters, the National Botanic Gardens are a luxuriant canvas of natural glory and luminescence.


This building was previously owned by the Church of Ireland and was the Synod Hall right up until 1983. The Medieval Trust now supports the Dublinia exhibition, which aims to cover Dublin's early history, starting with the arrival of the Vikings in 1170 and ending with the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII in 1539. Start the tour in the basement with an audio-tape, taking you through life-size reconstructions, depicting major events, including the Black Death, the rebellion of Silken Thomas, and the United Irishmen uprising. Upstairs features a huge model of Dublin in about 1500. Also of note, in the Great Hall, is a multi-screen presentation on medieval Dublin.

Castillo Malahide

Esta residencia privada y antigua fortaleza está rodeada de varias hectáreas de verde en Malahide. El interior de la residencia es absolutamente bellísimo, con sus lujosas salas de estar y retratos de la familia Talbot, mientras que la fachada está flanqueada por unos torreones de estilo neogótico increíbles. Con más de 800 años de historia, este hogar antiguo lo ha visto todo: guerras, buenos momentos y todos los recuerdos de la familia a la que albergó. Uno de los castillos más antiguos del país, el increíble castillo Malahide no solo guarda el legado de los Talbot, sino que también fue un elemento de vital importancia durante la historia medieval de Irlanda. Actualmente una famosa atracción turística, el castillo Malahide abre las puertas de su salón principal para la celebración de eventos y banquetes privados, y también ofrece recorridos guiados en francés, español y holandés. El restaurante es bastante popular entre los residentes locales que lo eligen para disfrutar de un desayuno caliente tradicional de scons recién horneados con mermelada casera y crema.

National Library of Ireland

Opened in 1890, the National Library was built for the Royal Dublin Society, which was formed in order to promote the arts and sciences in Dublin and to improve conditions for the poor. The library is now Ireland's bibliographical centre and incorporates both the Heraldic Museum and Genealogical Office. Tickets are generally issued to individuals whom the library consider to have "genuine research needs": applications can be made in person and a decision will be reached immediately. The library also regularly holds exhibitions and the Genealogical Office caters for individuals who wish to carry out family research but are unfamiliar with the library's extensive collection.

Pearse Museum

Situated in the leafy suburb of Rathfarnham, this building was formerly a school run by the leader of the 1916 Easter Rising, Padraig Pearse. Located in the beautiful grounds of St. Enda's Park, the museum now features a wide range of exhibits, a nature study room with Irish flora and fauna displays and an audio-visual presentation on the life of Pearse called This Man Kept a School. The fine park features riverside walks, a walled garden and a waterfall.

0,6 11 2 1 5,7,6 F-TA7 Educational F-TA7|educational|Educativo [["Kilmainham Gaol","53.341851304454","-6.3098312080953","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Inchicore Road, Dubl\u00edn, D08 RK28","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/4016-kilmainham-gaol"],["National Botanic Gardens","53.372539344395","-6.271913412918","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","300 Botanic Road, Dubl\u00edn, D09 VY63","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/986-national-botanic-gardens"],["Dublinia","53.343149040396","-6.2720615426456","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Winetavern Street, Dubl\u00edn, D08 V529","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/3927-dublinia"],["Castillo Malahide","53.444918859029","-6.1646273627564","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Back Road, Malahide","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/malahide\/331317-castillo-malahide"],["National Library of Ireland","53.341137549685","-6.2544230060009","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kildare Street, Dubl\u00edn, D02 P638","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/2649-national-library-of-ireland"],["Pearse Museum","53.282882866254","-6.2816319183333","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Grange Road, Dubl\u00edn, D16 Y7Y5","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/10550-pearse-museum"]] adayincity 4016,986,3927,331317,2649,10550 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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