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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Dublín

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Phoenix Park

Sheathed in acres of rolling green expanses, Phoenix Park is one of the largest city parks in Europe. This massive verdant swathe lies nestled in the west of the city, and is a mixture of wilderness and formal landscape gardens. Dotted with tree-cloaked boulevards, pristine tracts of grassland and open recreational spaces, the park is also home to some monumental, nationally significant edifices, too. The Ashtown Castle calls the park home, in addition to the towering Papal Cross which marks the visit of Pope John Paul II back in 1979, the stately Áras an Uachtaráin, the Wellington Monument which is a soaring tribute to the Duke of Wellington, and the teeming Dublin Zoo, are all nestled in its scenic, idyllic expanse. Among the many recreational activities offered here are Gaelic football, polo and cricket. Also enclosed within its viridescent fabric is a vibrant burst of plant life, while a bird sanctuary and a herd of fallow deer coexist in peaceful harmony. Playing host to an array of events, festivals as well as racing events, Phoenix Park is a massive window into the unbridled natural beauty and strategic finesse of Ireland.

National Botanic Gardens

A short bus ride from the city center, the splendid Botanic Gardens and its many floral wonders are a stunning treat to the senses. Accentuated all the more by the glimmering waters of River Tolka, these Irish gardens uphold an assemblage of hundreds of thousands of plants, and a smattering of botanical specimens. In all their floral glory, the gardens are a wonderland for naturalists and botany aficionados, its verdant course dotted by a string of splendid greenhouses, like the impressive, structural and glass-clad Curvilinear Range and the Palm House. The great glasshouses full of exotica were constructed in the mid 19th century and designed by Richard Turner, who was also the man behind the glasshouses at Kew Gardens. The gardens are divided into distinct areas of interest, featuring long herbaceous beds, a rose garden, alpine houses, a vegetable garden, orchid beds, an arboretum, a yew-clad walkway along the river, and a wonderful area exhibiting the various natural habitats of Ireland. Also sheltering willows plunging gracefully over gleaming waters, the National Botanic Gardens are a luxuriant canvas of natural glory and luminescence.

St Stephen's Green

El parque más famoso de Dublín tiene una larga historia. En sus inicios fue tan solo un espacio común, ubicado cerca del hospital de leprosos, y en 1664 la ciudad decidió cercarlo. Sitio de ahorcamientos públicos durante el siglo XVIII, no fue hasta que Lord Ardilaun lo acogió bajo su ala en 1880 que el parque tomó la forma que podemos ver en la actualidad. Las estatuas conmemorativas están por doquier, junto a los canteros floridos, entre los árboles y bordeando el estanque de los patos y sauces. James Joyce, Oscar Wilde y W. B. Yeats son solo algunas de las personalidades celebradas en este parque, mientras que los Three Fates, o "Tres Destinos" en español, de aire petulante, miden los hilos del destino de la humanidad desde su fuente ubicada en la entrada de la calle Leeson. En verano se organizan conciertos gratuitos en la glorieta.

Bray Head

Bray Head, which can be found in the County Wicklow by the Irish Sea, is a headland that forms a part of the Wicklow Mountains. This headland is a popular tourist attraction and a landmark in the city of Bray which is visited by people from all across the country. A beaten path takes you to the top of the hill providing a stunning view of the sea and the scening surroundings along the way. On top of Bray Head is a concrete cross, named the Holy Year Cross, that was placed there in 1953. During the ocassion of Good Friday, a procession attended by hundreds of devotees climb Bray Head with Holy Year Cross being the destination.

Museo Nacional de Irlanda - Arte Decorativo e Historia

Este edificio del siglo XVII bellamente restaurado es una de las barracas militares más antiguas de Europa, pero como si eso fuera poco, en la actualidad las Barracas Collins son el segundo edificio del Museo Nacional de Dublín y albergan las colecciones de arte decorativo. De particular interés son las colecciones de platería irlandesa, los jarrones y mobiliarios etruscos, y una exposición llamada "The Way We Wore" (o "La forma que vestíamos" en español) que ofrece una mirada interesante sobre la moda a través de los siglos. Las Barracas Collins suelen recibir también exposiciones itinerantes y están a tan solo pasos de la recientemente revitalizada Smithfield.

Puente Ha'penny

Situado sobre el apacible Río Liffey, el puente Ha'penny, también conocido como puente Liffey, es uno de los más importantes emblemas de la ciudad. A principios del siglo XVIII, los ferris operados por William Walsh recorrían el río. Pero las embarcaciones se encontraban en condiciones tan deplorables que el gobierno local se vio forzado a exigirle a Walsh que construyese un puente o dejara de operar los ferris. Walsh no tardó en expresar sus deseos de construir el puente pero carecía de fondos suficientes para hacerlo. Fue por ello que quienes utilizaban sus servicios debían pagar un "halfpenny", o "ha'penny" como localmente se le decía, a modo de peaje para costear la construcción. De ahí nació el nombre del puente que en la actualidad atrae a visitantes y locales por igual con su color blanco angelical y la promesa de una vista bellísima del río.

0,6 32 6 1 5,7,6 209[-]F-TA18[-]F-MG13[-]F-EV15 Free 209[-]F-TA18[-]F-MG13[-]F-EV15|free|Gratuito [["Phoenix Park","53.353397739246","-6.3219372915124","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Acres Road, Dubl\u00edn, D08 KDC4","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/987-phoenix-park"],["National Botanic Gardens","53.372539344395","-6.271913412918","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","300 Botanic Road, Dubl\u00edn, D09 VY63","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/986-national-botanic-gardens"],["St Stephen's Green","53.338173247586","-6.2591260181313","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","St Stephen's Green, Dubl\u00edn, D02 Y611","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/4006-st-stephen-s-green"],["Bray Head","53.190528463392","-6.0841651730127","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bray Head, Bray, A98 W542","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/51683-bray-head"],["Museo Nacional de Irlanda - Arte Decorativo e Historia","53.348794191745","-6.2873628739337","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Benburb Street, Dubl\u00edn, D07 XKV4","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/4582-museo-nacional-de-irlanda-arte-decorativo-e-historia"],["Puente Ha'penny","53.346304587792","-6.2630849665289","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Liffey Bridge, Dubl\u00edn, D02 EY65","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/dublin\/979795-puente-ha-penny"]] adayincity 987,986,4006,51683,4582,979795 6 0 1 Attractions
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