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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Dublín

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Kilmainham Gaol

Esta vieja cárcel es uno de los edificios históricos más importantes de Dublín. Con un pasado que se remonta a 1796, Kilmainham Gaol es un edificio inmenso que contó entre sus habitantes a hombres, mujeres y hasta niños. La Gaol pasó a la historia por encerrar a rebeldes famosos y prisioneros de guerra. En la actualidad, el edificio es un museo que ofrece exposiciones de colecciones especiales y recorridos guiados.

Catedral de San Patricio

Una de las únicas dos catedrales anglicanas en Dublín, esta iglesia venerada está emplazada junto a los prados serenos del parque de San Patricio. Construida en el año 1192, la catedral cardinal de Glendalough es una obra maestra de la arquitectura cuyos múltiples chapiteles se alzan sobre los paisajes urbanos de Coombe, Warrenmount y Portobello. Las principales atracciones de San Patricio son las tumbas de Jonathan Swift y su compañero, que están situadas en la nave. La catedral también cuenta con la nave medieval más grande de toda Irlanda y una lápida de piedra con una cruz celta tallada en su frente que cubre el pozo del que San Patricio sacaba el agua para bendecir a sus súbditos. Los jardines que rodean la catedral son un oasis más que bienvenido en esta parte densamente poblada de la ciudad.

Merrion Square

Merrion square is a great place to enjoy a lazy afternoon on the grass. This city park features lush lawns and a variety of statues, including a monument to Oscar Wilde (who once lived at 1, Merrion Square) and a public art piece by Irish American sculptor Jerome Connor. Come on Sundays to see local artists display their works on the park railings. It is also a great place to spend quality time with your family. Nothing short of an urban oasis, head to Merrion Square to escape the stresses of city life.

General Post Office

Designed by Francis Johnston in 1818, the General Post Office (GPO) on O'Connell Street is known as the site of the 1916 Easter Rising. Irish Volunteers seized the building on Easter Monday and for six days held out against the British until the GPO was set on fire. The building was completely restored in 1929. Inside, stands a bronze statue depicting the death of the mythical Irish warrior Cuchulainn, dedicated to those who died in the uprising. The GPO has acquired iconic status; demonstrations and protests are often held outside.


This building was previously owned by the Church of Ireland and was the Synod Hall right up until 1983. The Medieval Trust now supports the Dublinia exhibition, which aims to cover Dublin's early history, starting with the arrival of the Vikings in 1170 and ending with the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII in 1539. Start the tour in the basement with an audio-tape, taking you through life-size reconstructions, depicting major events, including the Black Death, the rebellion of Silken Thomas, and the United Irishmen uprising. Upstairs features a huge model of Dublin in about 1500. Also of note, in the Great Hall, is a multi-screen presentation on medieval Dublin.

Dalkey Castle and Heritage Centre

Located in one of Dublin's most exclusive seaside towns, this charming heritage center gives a flavor of how Dublin developed from the Middle Ages, through the Victorian era, to the present day. The center includes models and audio-visual presentations, and an exhibition script specially written by the Irish author and playwright Hugh Leonard. St. Begnet's, an interesting 8th-century church, is just next door.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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