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Duración aproximada : 1 hr

Primera clasificación Atractivos en Edimburgo

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The National Museum of Scotland

Next door to the Royal Museum, the stunning Museum of Scotland details the history of the Scottish people. From the beginning of time through the present day, the history of Scotland is explained through galleries and displays in a wonderful, informative exhibition. Wander through the halls and wonder at the fossils, the ancient jewelry and artifacts. Travel back in time to the industrial revolution and the Scottish position in the British Empire. Marvel at the technological advances that have taken Scotland to modernity.

Royal Mile

The core of Edinburgh's historic Old Town, the Royal Mile begins at Edinburgh Castle, making its way down the volcanic hill to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Along the way are numerous historic icons and modern-day attractions, hidden gems tucked away down narrow closes interlinked with stairways that lead to an underground maze of wonders. From the mysteries of the Real Mary King Close and the panoramic views afforded by the Camera Obscura to the Scottish Whiskey Experience and the Parliament Buildings, both old and new, the Royal Mile encompasses the heritage of Scotland in a single Scots mile. The Royal Mile is actually made up of four successive streets, namely, Castlehill, Lawnmarket, High Street and Cannongate, lined with restaurants and boutiques that offer regional specialties. Other attractions include the People's Story Museum, St. Giles Cathedral and the Museum of Childhood. A visit to Edinburgh is simply incomplete without a walk down the Royal Mile.

Palace of Holyroodhouse

Conspiracies, plots and other dramatic turns in Scottish history were the scenes played out at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. Established as the monarchical residence for the kings and queens of Scots more than six centuries ago, it is now the Queen's formal residence in Scotland. Built on the ruins of a medieval abbey, this elegant, quadrangular complex was built in the 16th Century with added extensions in the following century. Intriguing stories abound in its state apartments that give a glimpse into the life of its famous residents like Mary, Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince Charlie and George IV. The Great Gallery displays fascinating exhibitions from the Royal Collection, while the expansive, beautiful gardens add further charm to this regal castle.

Saint Giles' Cathedral

An outstanding exemplar of Gothic architecture, this cathedral looms large above Edinburgh's Old Town, calling attention with its grand crown steeple. The church is steeped in a long and storied history that began nearly a millennia ago. Although there has been a church on this site since 1854, the earliest remains to be found in St Giles' Cathedral are four pillars which date from about 1120. In 1385 the church was destroyed by an English army but soon afterward rebuilt in greater splendor. In 1460 the roof was raised and the main body of the church extended eastwards. The intricate spire was completed in 1495 and St Giles' was declared a Presbyterian cathedral. The Chapel of the Knights of the Thistle, built in 1911 for the Order of the Thistle, is particularly beautiful: each Knight's stall is carved in wood with an impressively intricate touch.

Scottish National Gallery

The Scottish National Gallery is home to an extensive collection of paintings, sculpture and artwork that chronicles the history of art, right from the Renaissance to the early years 20th Century. The gallery's collection of Scottish artwork is especially extensive and well-curated. Featured alongside are several notable pieces created by masters like Monet, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Edgar Degas and Rembrandt, as well as several other noteworthy international artists. The neoclassical museum building is a work of art in itself. Admission is usually free, however a fee may apply for access to special exhibitions. As the home of the Scottish national collection of fine art, the Scottish National Gallery grants access to one of the world's foremost fine art collections.

Dalkeith Country Estate

Even though it is located so close to the the town center of Dalkeith, Dalkeith Country Estate is an oasis of calm and a natural getaway. This estate with its vast playgrounds, scenic trails, cycle tracks and picturesque farms is an ideal location for family outings and picnics. The 850- acre farmland is also home to several wild animals and birds. So whether you are a nature lover or someone who is looking for a fun day out with family, Dalkeith Country Estate is the place to be.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 164 0 0 0,6 6