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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Estes Park

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Horsetooth Resevoir

Horsetooth Resevoir welcomes you to spend a relaxed evening and indulge in your favorite past-time. With a long stretch of shoreline, the reservoir remains a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, camping and boating. Adventure seekers can also opt for rock climbing or scuba diving in the reservoir's gushing waters.

Fort Collins

Fort Collins was established in 1864 as a military camp, and now is currently one of the most important municipalities in the state of Colorado. The place has a mixed culture and is dominated by the students of the Colorado State University. The city is famous for its microbreweries which includes Anheuser-Busch, New Belgium Brewing Company, Equinox Brewing, Zwei Brüder Brewing and lots more. Fort Collins Museum also is also one of the major attractions here, housing many cultural and historic artifacts of the city.

Trail Ridge Road

Meandering along sloping inclines, the Trail Ridge Road is spread across 48 miles (77.25 kilometers) and offers amazing vistas of the Rocky Mountain National Park that will make your drive memorable. Also called the Beaver Meadow National Scenic Byway, the scenic route stretches between Estes Park and Grand Lake, connecting the two towns while affording the chance to marvel at the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains. Established in 1921, this road takes you past alpine peaks, forests, lakes, and meadows. Due to heavy snowfall, it is inaccessible during winters and is open during summers.

Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas

El Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas es un Parque Nacional de los Estados Unidos y se encuentra en Colorado. Con una superficie de 107,550 hectáreas, el parque está repleto de características geográficas muy distintas, como montañas enormes, bosques espesos y lagos cristalinos. Los visitantes podrán encontrarse con especies salvajes, como alces, osos negros y pumas, y quedarán encantados con los miles de colores de las flores silvestres que crecen por doquier en el parque. También encontrarán una gran variedad de senderos donde podrán hacer caminatas, andar en bicicleta y practicar deportes de invierno, además de espacios para picnics y para acampar. Visiten el sitio web para más información.

Fall River Road

Renowned Old Park River Road, situated in the Rocky Mountain National Park, is one of the first vehicular roads to infiltrate the inside of the park. It proved as a connecting link between the east side of the park close to Estes Park to Grand Lake on the west. The Old River Fall Road is home to varied wildflowers. Once above the tree line, one can also spot deer, elk, bighorn, marmots and sheep. The road is in the midst of nature and the maximum speed limit of 15 miles (24 kilometers) per hour evidently indicates that it requires a quiet and calm approach as one’s drive proceeds.

Estes Park Aerial Tramway

Estes Park's location amid the sprawling wilderness of its surroundings has rendered it a favorite with fans of the outdoors, and one riveting way to experience its natural grandeur is by hopping onto the Estes Park Aerial Tramway. Connecting the town with the majestic summit of Prospect Mountain, the tramway affords spellbinding views of the vistas unfolding all around, evoking a sense of awe in all those who gaze upon them. The journey to the top spans 3.5 minutes, and is an incredibly scenic route to the summit of the landmark mountain where trails and delightful scenery abound!

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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