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The Necropolis

Dominated by the statue of John Knox, this is an old cemetery on a small hill right behind Glasgow Cathedral. Its design was based on the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris and the elaborate tombs are home to many obscure Glasgow Victorian dignitaries and a few famous ones. It was established in 1831 by the Merchants' House of Glasgow and several well-known local architects such as Alexander 'Greek' Thomson had a hand in the design of memorials and mausoleums. On weekdays, guides are available to show visitors around the cemetery. Excellent views of the cathedral and beyond can be enjoyed from the top of the hill.

Glasgow Cathedral

En el año 543, el santo patrón de Glasgow, San Mungo, fundó la catedral en lo que anteriormente era un cementerio cristiano. Esta es la segunda más antigua iglesia medieval de toda Escocia y en la actualidad es la Iglesia de Escocia. La primera iglesia de piedra del lugar fue erigida en 1136 por el obispo Achiaus y el Rey David I, pero fue destruida por un incendio y luego reconstruida en 1197. El edificio actual es del estilo gótico y data del siglo XIII. El obispo William de Bondington (1233-1258) supervisó la labor inicial pero la obra se finalizó unos 200 años más tarde. Hace aproximadamente 550 años, se fundó la Universidad de Glasgow en la sacristía, donde se encuentra el coro. Para más información sobre los horarios de atención, que varían de acuerdo a la época del año, llamar por teléfono.

People's Palace

Opened in 1898 by the Earl of Rosebery, this handsome edifice has been standing in Glasgow Green as a strong cultural symbol. The former cultural center for the East Enders, People's Palace showcases the story of Glasgow and Glaswegians from the 17th Century through the 20th Century. Pictorials, audio-visuals, artifacts and stories bring life to the chronicles of Glasgow's people and its storied history. Comedian Billy Connolly's Banana Boots are among the most famous displays at this repository. The museum's premises brim with their own charm, featuring elements like the impressive ceramic fountain, the Doulton Fountain, which is set in the front of this building. The adjacent Victorian glasshouse, also known as the Winter Gardens, attracts as much attention.

George Square

Flanked on one side by the magnificent City Chambers and on another by the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board, George Square was laid out in the 19th Century and is dominated by a 24-meter (80-foot) column, with a statue of Sir Walter Scott on top. On a sunny day, clusters of people sunbathe amidst statues of such august personages as Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, Robert Burns, James Oswald, James Watt, William Gladstone and Robert Peel. The Cenotaph war memorial is also around and the square itself saw bloodshed in 1918 when crowds rioted during a protest against the 56-hour working week. As the only large open space in the city center, it's often used as a venue for celebrations.

Merchant Square

Merchant Square located in the heart of Merchant City, is a hub for chic restaurants, bars, events and craft markets, all under one roof! No matter what the weather outside is like, inside this square it's never gloomy! This is a fantastic spot to observe the culture and life of Glasgow and enjoy delicious food, choosing from any one of the nine different eateries and bars. If you are looking to browse through some local products and handcrafted goods, the weekly design and craft fairs held in the courtyard, is the perfect place to go. Take a seat in any one of the outdoor bar patios and enjoy a drink as you watch a live match on the big screen or enjoy other events like fashion shows. There are also several events to keep children entertained like face-painting and dance lessons, making this a fun place for the entire family!

Arlington Baths Club

A perfect example for Victorian architecture, Arlington Baths Club was founded in the 19th century as a public bath house and is the oldest of is kind. Featuring Turkish baths, saunas, a steam room, a gym and fitness center, a lounge and a swimming pool. Visitors can indulge in a myriad of the services offered and can also enroll themselves in some of the classes offered on sight. The bath club also provides spa and massage treatments for men and women as well as yoga and swimming classes for adults and children alike.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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