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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Hunedoara

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Corvin Castle

Having been featured in many movies and series as a typical fairytale castle, the Corvin Castle is a majestic work of beautiful architecture that features towering buttresses and showcases features of a typical Transylvanian castle. It is characterized by pointed turrets and was built in 1446 in a Gothic-Renaissance style. One of the main attractions of the town of Hunedoara, the castle was built by the order of Iancu of Hunedoara, the leading Hungarian military and political figure during the 15th Century, and can be accessed by a drawbridge over the river below. The architecture of the castle is mesmerizing for sure, but the interior, with its middle-aged artifacts and beautiful paintings, is equally amazing. A tour of the castle takes the visitor through the main Knight's hall, the dungeon, and other important sections inside. Today, the castle is accessible to the public and serves as a museum.

Govăjdia Blast Furnace

A former blast furnace transformed into a technical museum, the Govajdia Blast Furnace was set up in the year 1810 and worked towards producing raw materials for various construction projects during its time. The machines and equipment used in the furnace were well built and worked highly efficiently till the shutdown of the furnace in the year 1924. Various additions were made over the years but a major fire in 1837 and the establishment of the Hunedoara Steel Works caused trouble for the company. An interesting fact about this furnace is that the iron ore produced here was used in the construction of Eiffel Tower. The site lay disused for years before it was transformed into a museum to showcase the various equipment and tools used during the production process.


An ancient settlement well known with people interested in the dinosaur legacy, the town of Hateg encompasses fossils and other excavated items dating back to more than 300 million years! Immense research has been carried out in regards of the fossils found of dwarf dinosaurs from the Cretaceous age which existed over 72-65 million years ago. It is a part of the Hațeg Country Dinosaurs Geopark, which consists of ten communities where ancient fossils of different mammals and dinosaurs have been found. They work towards enhancing their research about the past, along with spreading knowledge about it. Other significant archaeological sites include medieval churches, ancient castles and other items of the Paleolithic era and the middle Ages.

Castra of Densuș

Located near the DJ687G road, Castra of Densus are the remains of a beautiful fort. Though the castle is believed to be built in the 2nd Century, its origins still remain a mystery. This fort is believed to be built during the Dacian civilization. Today, in a state of ruins, this fort is a popular tourist spot and attracts many history enthusiasts.

Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa

If you are a history enthusiast Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa is a must-visit place. The history of this place can be traced back to as early as 2nd Century and is believed to be an ancient Dacian civilization. Spread across 74 acres (30 hectares) of land, this city now remains in the state of ruins. Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa interests many historians and is known for featuring the remnants of ancient open-air theaters and temples. Due to its historic background, this site is listed as a cultural heritage and is a popular tourist destination.

Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains

Constructed between the 1st centuries BC and AD, the Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains offer a unique insight into the defensive strategies, military techniques, architecture and social life of the people of this region. The remains of six fortresses make up the entire site and include the ruins at Banita, Capalna, Costesti-Blidaru, Costesti-Cetauie, Luncani-Piatra Rosie and Sarmisegetuza. An interesting amalgamation of religious and military elements are seen in the way the structures were built from elements of the classical to late European Iron Age. The Dacians were conquered by the Romans in the 2nd century AD, when the capital Sarmizegetusa Regia was overrun and Decebalus, who had united the Dacian Kingdoms concentrated his forces in the Orastie Mountains committed suicide. Post the Roman invasion of Dacia, the fortresses fell into disuse. The remains of the fortresses however still tell a powerful story.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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