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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Imsil

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Imsil Cheese Theme Park

If you are obsessed with cheese, a visit to the Imsil Cheese Theme Park in Imsil should definitely be on your bucket list. For a country that did not taste cheese until 1958, building Imsil Cheese Theme Park seemed like compensation for all the years lost without knowing the taste of cheese. As the name suggests, Imsil Cheese Theme Park is all about cheese; from a cheese playground and cheese wheel buildings to cheese statues — everything is adorned with cheese. Here, you can also learn about the process involved in cheese making and taste the different varieties of cheese manufactured in Imsil. This place is a cheese lover's paradise in its truest sense.

Jeonju National Museum

The country's 9th National Museum, the Jeonju National Museum, opened its doors to the general public in 1990. The museum displays attractive exhibits depicting the history and culture of the country. The museum has a well-maintained archeology area, a room specially for the culture and folk traditions of the area and a beautiful fine art gallery. There is also a separate exhibition room for temporary displays. Jointly with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this is the country's 9th National Museum. The museum has an impressive collection of relics, ceramic, pottery and more from the Mahan and Baekje periods. It also has a great collection of Buddhist artworks like the limestone statue of ten Buddhist kings, each of which stand for a different sentiment. They is also a range of clay cups uniquely made. The cups and the handles with thumb grips were made separately and joined later. Pottery made and colored with iron oxide is also on display. All of which amount to approximately 24,000 items. Much of the relics and findings are from the region of Jeonbuk.


Recognized as a historic treasure, Gyeonggijeon is a famous shrine that was built in the 1410 A.D. It holds the portraits of the Joseon dynasty such as the founder, King Tae-jo Lee and other successive rulers, King Cheol-jong, King Yeong-jo and many others. King Tae-jo Lee and his wife's mortuary tablets are enshrined at the Jogyeong shrine and the carriages used to transport the tablets are also displayed at the shrine. The raised building besides the shrine comprises of archives that represents the administrative functions of the king. Open throughout the year, the shrine sometimes used for shooting of television shows. Call for more information.

Traditional Liquor Museum

The Traditional Liquor Museum is a great example of how rice wine has been brewed here for many many years. The liquor has earned itself a number of names, so it's known as Korea whiskey, Korean whiskey and Korean liqueur, among others. At the museum, you can see how the drink has been made over the years, and the process is still the same today. Traditionally the wine used to be made by each household over stoves that were fueld by firewood. If you really want to come and have a taste of how it's done here, come by on the first and third Saturdays of every month to see how the process actually takes place or drop by on the second and fourth Saturday for a wine tasting session. Do call for details.

Pungnammun Gate

The Pungnammun Gate is one of the city's most popular tourist spots. The gate was built in 1768 during the reign of the Joseon Dynasty. Originally, one of four gates, this one is the city emblem, and the only one that is still standing, even though it was partially destroyed during the 1590s during an invasion. In 1978, the destroyed half was rebuilt, and now ranks 308 on the list of National Treasures. The gate has rounded arches that have become very symbolic of it.

Gyeonhwon Palace Site

Located on the outskirts of the city Jeonju are the remains of a palace that was built 1300 years ago by King Gyeonhwon in Baekje dynasty. The palace served as a residence for the king during his rule and was used to intercept the crops and collect taxes from traders headed towards the capital of Shilla Kingdom. Today, the site contains old stone walls and relics belonging to the time.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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