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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Innsbruck

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Wilten Basilika

The Wilten Basilika is a historic church built in the Baroque and Rococo style. Designed by Joseph Stapf and constructed by Franz de Paula Penz, this beautiful monument has stood the test of time. The elegant facade conceals a stunning interior adorned with paintings, sculptures, and murals. Discover the works of such masters as Anton Gigl and Franz Xaver Feichtmayr here. The high altar is itself a work of art and captures your attention the moment you step into the church. A must visit while in the city, attending a service here is also a beautiful experience.

Museum of Tyrolean Regional Heritage

The Museum of Tyrolean Regional Heritage or Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum at the center of the historic part of Innsbruck was founded in 1888 and is considered to be the most beautiful of its kind in Europe. Those who want to learn more about Tyrol, its way of living, and the various arts and crafts performed here should not miss this opportunity. Among other things there are original farmhouse and aristocratic rooms giving a good insight into the life of people between late Gothic to Renaissance and the Baroque period. The importance of artistic creation in the area is exemplified by many items in copper, iron and tin as well as glass and ceramics. A further focus is represented by the religious artifacts and beautiful traditional farmers clothes.

Das Tirol Panorama

Famed for its unique design and architecture, as well as its collection highlighting Tyrolean history, the Tirol Panorama is a major attraction. The highlight is the 360-degree painting that memorializes the Third Battle of the Bergisel in a visually stunning feature. Different exhibits showcase aspects of Tyrolean culture from politics to nature. After visiting the museum, head over to the Kaiserjäger Museum that provides deeper insight into the region's military legacy. The Loop Trail around the Bergisel also starts here and is a must visit for mesmerizing views of the city and the Alps.


Part cafe, part concert venue, and part cultural center, Treibhaus defies being put into a box or labeled. A creative space for creative people, this local spot is a hub for like minds to meet and interact in an engaging space. From jazz to world music, and theater, the line up of programs is eclectic and diverse, attracting a diverse audience. Whether you're there to enjoy a quick bite with friends or a thought-provoking cultural evening, you're sure to enjoy your experience at Treibhaus.

Hofkirche Innsbruck (Court Church)

The Hofkirche, a lovingly maintained historical church, is a perfect attraction for those interested in Innsbruck's past. Completed in 1563, the church was intended to house a tomb for Emperor Maximilian I, who passed away in 1519. Although the tomb remains intact, Maximilian's remains, however, are buried in Castle Chapel at Wiener Neustadt. For a more detailed description of the building's historical artifacts, the church offers daily guided tours in English, German and Italian.

Tyrolean State Museum Ferdinandeum

Located in the city of Innsbruck, the Tyrolean State Museum has an extensive collection in various fields such as historical art, archeology, science and music. Originally, established in 1823 as Ferdinandeum, it is now a part of the Tiroler Landesmuseum which manages it. It boasts a rich collection of historic Austrian as well as International art. It has a library with a superb collection of books about general history and important art history of the region. The museum also holds various events and concerts occasionally.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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