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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Innsbruck

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)

Part cafe, part concert venue, and part cultural center, Treibhaus defies being put into a box or labeled. A creative space for creative people, this local spot is a hub for like minds to meet and interact in an engaging space. From jazz to world music, and theater, the line up of programs is eclectic and diverse, attracting a diverse audience. Whether you're there to enjoy a quick bite with friends or a thought-provoking cultural evening, you're sure to enjoy your experience at Treibhaus.


Westbahntheater is an entertainment venue that hosts shows on performing arts. Some of its famous productions include Province Sisters, For Love, Perfect, The Wonderful Mass Suicide and so on. It is a nice place to spend some time with family and learn about the culture and historic life through plays and movies. The theater also conducts regular feature events of which you can be a part of. Advanced booking is preferable in order to ensure good seats and a good view.

Innsbruck Kellertheater

Innsbruck Kellertheater is located in the heart of the city in the Wilten area. It was established in the year 1979. It is famous for featuring cultural shows, organizing exciting games and showcasing other theater performances. Each season around six productions are shown and each item runs for about 28 minutes. In all, you can see around 200 performances on stage. There is often a mix of classic and modern themes that give a very nice angle to the play.

Theater InnStanz

Theater an der Sill is a popular performing arts theater that is frequented by art enthusiasts from every nook and corner of the city. The only reason for the theater's popularity is the quality of live acts that are performed on its stage. The theater is home to first-rate dramas, plays, comedies, dance, cabaret performances and revues. Besides that, it also hosts lectures, exhibitions, discussions, poetry readings and other literary events. If you are a connoisseur of art, then a visit to the theater is a must.

Aqua Dome

Situated amidst the idyllic Tyrollean Alps is Aqua Dome, one of the most visited mineral spas in Austria. Initially made famous as a healing natural spring by superstitious farmers and locals, the spa grew popular among hikers and tourists. As of today, the Aqua Dome is a part of a well-equipped hotel with state-of-the-art facilities that include two artificial pools, top notch sauna and spa treatments as well as dining options. Breathtakingly beautiful and therapeutic, it will keep you coming back for more.

Sandwirt am Inn

The Sandwirt is situated in the eastern district of Reichenau, near the Olympic Village. The restaurant gets its name from the nickname of a local folk hero of years gone by, Andreas Hofer. This simple, rustic and comfy tavern has an enormous terrace on the banks of the River Inn. It stands out due to the 'Tyrolean evenings' that take place regularly on Friday nights. These evenings are folk events that might be of interest for tourists unacquainted with Austrian and, in particular, Tyrolean culture. Larger groups planning to attend are advised to book in advance. It is wise to phone up and check, as from time to time they are held at an alternative location.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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