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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Karlovy Vary

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Vřídelní Kolonáda

Vřídelní Kolonáda is an ancient public bath. Created sometime in the 16th Century, the bath is fed by a hot spring that runs an approximate 30° to 60° F and is known to cure a number of ailments. The original building was built in 1774, and a few additions thereafter over the years and centuries, the final building was built in 1975. Since then, people have been coming here to cure themselves of urinary, skin and digestive problems.


Martin-Luther-Kirche is visited by locals and tourists who come here to offer their prayers as well as admire its beauty. This church is one of the historic structures of the region and is believed to be first constructed in the early 17th Century. Martin-Luther-Kirche was later reconstructed and the present structure dates back to the early 19th Century. This lovely church boasts a Neo-Gothic facade and the interiors are equally beautiful frescoes, stained-glass windows and the 19th-century organ. Besides, regular prayer service, the church also hosts concerts and other cultural events.

Schwarzenberg Castle (Saxony)

Located in the city of Schwarzenberg, the Schwarzenberg Castle is a popular attraction among young families with children and tourists for its rich history and many fun cultural activities. Towering over rest of the town with its imposing turrets, the castle forms a striking postcard perfect picture. Dating back to the 12th Century, it has been remarkably well preserved and its interiors refurbished to form a charming historical palace where visitors can take part in adventure hikes around the castle, creative workshops, fun games and also attend traditional and modern music concerts in the cellar. A museum, a music school and a community college are located in the castle building as well.

Eisenbahnmuseum Schwarzenberg

While steam locomotives are no longer commercially used, their charm among train enthusiasts remains unfazed. Eisenbahnmuseum Schwarzenberg is an effort to nurture an interest in these smoke-belching machines. This open air museum features a series of train engines such as freight steam locomotive, steam storage locomotive and much more. Other than these historic locomotives, one can also witness shunting of more modern makes.

Park Boheminium

Located in Mariánské Lázně, Park Boheminium is a beautiful place to visit during the warm summer months. Opened in the year 1999, this park encompasses an area of six hectares (14.8 hectares). Take a stroll along this park and you will find miniature models of many historic structures like Červená Lhota Castle, the rotunda of St. George, the Saint Nicholas Cathedral, the Black Tower and many others. This popular park is a must-visit for locals and tourists in the area.

Městské muzeum Mariánské Lázně

Set along Goethovo námestí street in Czech Republic, Městské muzeum Mariánské Lázně is set in a Classicist-style house that was constructed back in the year 1818. This museum building was previously home to an inn named, Zur Goldenen Traube. Spread across multiple floors, this museum gives you a peek into the city’s rich history. Visit this museum and you will find a number of exhibits like ceramics, furniture, paintings, sculptures, plaques, documents and photographs. This museum also take you through the region’s natural history and its geological background.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 159 0 0 0,6 6