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Duración aproximada : 45 min

Primera clasificación Atractivos en Kauai

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)
Wailua Falls

The backdrop of the famed television show Fantasy Island's opening credits, this stunning waterfall is located directly off the road, just past the town of Lihue on the southern coast of Kaua'i. It is just a short ride down a rough road in Kapaia Valley. The falls can be viewed from the side of the road, but there is a trail for experienced hikers. The falls are surrounded by dense vegetation and rugged cliffs, creating a picturesque and iconic Hawaiian scenery.

Opaeka'a Falls

Opaeka'a Falls is a stunning waterfall situated in the Wailua River State Park. Like many waterfalls in Hawaii, Opaeka'a Falls is surrounded by lush greenery, including tropical plants and trees that add to the beauty of the area. There are several viewpoints from which visitors can observe the falls. The area around the falls is well-maintained and offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. Whether you're a nature enthusiast or just seeking a beautiful and tranquil spot to admire, Opaeka'a Falls is a must-visit destination on the island of Kauai.

Hanalei Pier

A visit to the Hanalei Pier not only fulfills sightseeing requirements but also leaves plenty of time to relax and simply bask in the views. The pier is located in bustling Black Pot Beach Park, and is one of the most well-recognized landmarks in the area. Agricultural exporters originally docked their vessels here, but it ceased being of any commercial importance, today serving as a popular outdoor locale that draws tourists and locals alike. Kids gleefully jump off the edge of the pier (a short fall, but good for a splash) while adults sunbathe or fish along its stretch.

Waiʻoli Huiʻia Church

Steeped in history, Waiʻoli Huiʻia Church features a striking visage, its gabled roof and adjoining tower creating a harmonious blend of religious splendor and architectural wonder. Bearing allusions to the American Gothic style, its exterior evokes a sense of veneration, a feeling only strengthened upon stepping past the threshold and marveling at the simple yet noteworthy interior. The revered landmark, in its present form, dates from 1912, its construction attributed to the Wilcox brothers who commissioned a church building on the grounds of the Waioli Mission District. Owing to its history and significance in terms of the Mission's past, the church is regarded as a prominent destination in Hanalei.

Old Koloa Sugar Mill

As a part of Koloa Heritage Trail, visit the historic landmark – the abandoned Old sugar mill and its grounds, location across the town center. Dating back to 1835, this old sugar plantation for the first commercially successful mills in Hawaii. Today, all that remains in this iconic spot is an abandoned building, vehicles, rusted equipment, a 30-foot tall stone chimney, and an old foundation from the 1840s. As a part of the historic old town of Koloa, visitors do not have access to explore inside the abandoned factory. One can only see it from afar.

Pu’u O Kila Lookout

Nestled within Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park, Pu'u O Kila Lookout treats visitors to a jaw-dropping vista of the iconic Nāpali Coast. Perched at an elevation, the lookout provides a sweeping view of the lush green cliffs, deep valleys, and the expansive Pacific Ocean. Towering emerald peaks rise dramatically, creating a scene of unparalleled natural beauty. The lookout is often shrouded in mist, adding an ethereal touch to the already enchanting landscape. Trails from the lookout offer hiking opportunities for those eager to explore more of the park's wilderness.

0,6 11 2 1 5,7,6 F-TA Approximate Duration: 45 min F-TA|approximate-duration|Duración aproximada [["Wailua Falls","22.034516403994","-159.37883062161","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","End of Maalo Road, Lihue, HI, 96746","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kauai\/261695-wailua-falls"],["Opaeka'a Falls","22.048238254037","-159.36204201663","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kuamoo Road, Kauai, HI, 96746","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kauai\/672824-opaeka-a-falls"],["Hanalei Pier","22.212596511129","-159.49812670565","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Off Weke Road, Hanalei, HI, 96714","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/hanalei-hi\/266745-hanalei-pier"],["Wai\u02bboli Hui\u02bbia Church","22.201277180127","-159.501063687","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","5 Kuhio Highway, Hanalei, HI, 96714","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/hanalei-hi\/1334504-wai\u02bboli-hui\u02bbia-church"],["Old Koloa Sugar Mill","21.89932134711","-159.44558889056","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Mahaulepu Road, Koloa, HI, 96756","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/koloa\/1388486-old-koloa-sugar-mill"],["Pu\u2019u O Kila Lookout","22.147866808365","-159.63090558312","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Pihea Trail, Kauai, HI, 96746","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/kauai\/1459192-pu-u-o-kila-lookout"]] adayincity 261695,672824,266745,1334504,1388486,1459192 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 11 0 0 0,6 6