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Castillo de Blarney

La leyenda cuenta que a quien bese a la famosa piedra 'Blarney Stone' se le concederá el don de la elocuencia.

St Fin Barre's Cathedral

Situated in a quiet part of town, St Fin Barre's Cathedral is dedicated to the founder and patron saint of the city. Designed by Willliam Burges, the building was completed in 1878. It's an exuberant triple-spired edifice built in Gothic Revival style and decorated with stone tracery. Inside, the painted and gilded ceiling depicts Christ surrounded by angels. The stained glass windows below, tell the story of Christ's life. Hours change seasonally, so make sure to call ahead.

St. Anne's Shandon Church

This famous religious landmark stands on the hilly slopes of the city, north of the River Lee. Built in 1722, the church has a facade made of limestone on two sides and of red sandstone on the other two. The steeple is topped by a weather vane in the shape of a salmon. The clock face is known locally as the "four-faced liar" because, until 1986 when it was repaired, each face showed a slightly different time. Visitors can climb the tower and for a small fee, ring the famous Bells of Shandon. Services take place at 10am on Sundays.

University College Cork

The elegant campus of University College Cork lies a little to the west of the city centre. The College was founded as Queen's College in 1845 and today is a constituent college of the National University of Ireland. The main buildings were ranged about three sides of a quadrangle, with the lecture rooms in the West Wing, the towered entrance, examination hall and library in the North Wing, and the residents of the President and Vice-President in the East Wing. Some vestiges of this scheme remain today. The president's garden behind the East Wing was originally walled off but is now open to students. The College is also home to the Boole Library, the famous Lewis Glucksman Gallery and the Granary Theatre.

Lusitania Museum & Old Head Signal Tower

The Signal Tower is one among the series of towers built in response to the looming threat of a French invasion. Then, the historic tower served as a strategic vantage point. Today, the tower serves as a prominent attraction of the town, offering stunning panoramic views of the picturesque vistas. Standing at the crown of the tower, one can enjoy views of the lucid seafront coupled with sightings of avian wonders such as puffins, guillemots and peregrines among others. Adding to the allure of this spot is the Lusitania Museum, which retells the chilling tale of RMS Lusitania, an Irish vessel torpedoed by a German U-boat, which caused immense loss of life.

Charles Fort

Charles Fort is a 17th-century relic of Kinsale. Built at the commission of King Charles II, the fortress served defense purposes as a military fort. Designed by William Robinson, the star-shaped citadel has witnessed several momentous events of the country’s history, which include the Williamite War of 1690 and the Irish Civil War of 1922-23. Take a guided tour of the fortress to learn about the rich history of the country through the lens of the magnificent Charles Fort.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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