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Castillo de Blarney

La leyenda cuenta que a quien bese a la famosa piedra 'Blarney Stone' se le concederá el don de la elocuencia.

St Fin Barre's Cathedral

Situated in a quiet part of town, St Fin Barre's Cathedral is dedicated to the founder and patron saint of the city. Designed by Willliam Burges, the building was completed in 1878. It's an exuberant triple-spired edifice built in Gothic Revival style and decorated with stone tracery. Inside, the painted and gilded ceiling depicts Christ surrounded by angels. The stained glass windows below, tell the story of Christ's life. Hours change seasonally, so make sure to call ahead.

Blackrock Castle Observatory

Past seamlessly merges with the present at the Blackrock Castle Observatory. Nestled on the banks of River Lee, the observatory is an erstwhile fortification, and this fact alone is a great attestation to its magnificent, castle-like visage. The building itself, a castle no less, dates back to the 16th Century, but what is inside is up-to-date with engineering mechanisms and technological innovations in the country. Upholding a deep sense of scientific research and the indelible motive of unearthing the secrets of the cosmos, the observatory stages an array of exhibitions, workshops and collaborations for students and teachers to better understand the intricacies of the Universe. Here is where astronomical artifacts and numerous exhibits about science jostle with hands-on activities and an interactive virtual astronaut for the visitor's attention. Topped by turrets and cloaked in a sturdy stone facade, this observatory is a glorious synergy of history and the sciences.

Cork Opera House

Situated in the heart of the city beside the river Lee, the Opera House has been providing Cork with entertainment of varying kinds for many years. The building is modern, it was constructed in 1965 after its predecessor had been destroyed by fire, ten years before. There are large windows at the front allowing a view of the city to those enjoying a drink in the attractive bar. The programme of events is varied, and includes opera, drama, music and films. Recent productions have included Aida, the acclaimed Druid production of Martin McDonagh's The Beauty Queen of Leenane, and the final of the legendary "Over 60s" talent show. At the beginning of October, the Opera House is the base of the Cork Film Festiva l. It has a capacity of around one thousand.

St. Anne's Shandon Church

This famous religious landmark stands on the hilly slopes of the city, north of the River Lee. Built in 1722, the church has a facade made of limestone on two sides and of red sandstone on the other two. The steeple is topped by a weather vane in the shape of a salmon. The clock face is known locally as the "four-faced liar" because, until 1986 when it was repaired, each face showed a slightly different time. Visitors can climb the tower and for a small fee, ring the famous Bells of Shandon. Services take place at 10am on Sundays.

Cork City Gaol

A short walk from the city center will take you up to the restored and atmospheric City Gaol, complete with furnished cells. Both the exhibition and multimedia display, trace the lives of individual inmates imprisoned here during the 19th and 20th centuries. Conditions were miserable: as one punishment, for example, prisoners were made to run on a human treadmill that was used to grind grain. There is also a cafe in the Gaol which employs a somewhat amusing gimmick: visitors are "free" to choose between sampling a Victorian prisoner's fare or the prison governor's menu. Which one would you choose? Hours change seasonally, so make sure to call ahead.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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