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Bajo la iglesia de San Severo (s. XII) pueden visitarse los restos de unos baños romanos.


Connecting the villages of Mörsdorf and Sosberg, Geierlay is a unique suspension bridge spanning 360 meters (1,180 feet) and is high above the ground at an elevation of 100 meters (330 feet). Offering breathtaking views of the surrounding region, the bridge is for pedestrians only and can be be accessed only by walking from the designated parking spot which is a few minutes away.


Located near, the charming town of Sankt Goarshausen, the natural rock of Lorelei, forms one of the best known features of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. Towering about 120 meters (433 feet) higher than the water surface, the cliff is said to be named after a mythical sorceress called Lurley, who jumped off the cliff into the disturbed waters of River Rhine. Lorelei is blessed with breathtaking beauty, making it quite a popular tourist attraction.

Stadtmauerhäuschen Lahnstein

Stadtmauerhäuschen is a baroque-style half-timbered house built around 1700 in Lahnstein, Germany. It is an extremely narrow two-story structure housing a branch of the city museum in the present day. It has a kitchen and a living room on the ground floor and two bedrooms on the upper floor. Today, this unique building is considered a cultural monument and can be visited as a part of the historical city tour.

Kastellaun Castle

Castle Kastellaun is a medieval castle was established in the 13th Century and was under the possession of Count of Sponheim after whom the castle went to Simon II of Sponheim-Kreuznach, who resided here for a long time. The structure is a beautiful castle in the region and the elements are well defined even today. Although it is now ruined, it has a major tourist pull. Events especially for children are held at the castle during the summers.

Kastell Boppard

Kastell Boppard is the historic site of a Roman fortress in Boppard. Built in the 4th Century when the region was under Roman rule and originally named Bodobrica, the castle is now one of the most famous Roman fortifications in Germany. During its time, the robust fortress by the Rhine must have looked majestic and impressive. After the Romans left, Kastell Boppard became an iconic remnant of their rule, and today, its ruins narrate an intriguing tale of the town's past. Located near the town center, the well-preserved structure is a must-visit historic landmark in Boppard.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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