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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Les Epesses

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Puy du Fou

Are you're looking to battle with the Vikings, hurl with the gladiators or swash buckle with pirates? The Puy du Fou is the answer to all your fantasies. Attracting over 2,000,000 tourists each year, this historical theme park provides spectacles and attractions that cover various exciting periods in history and with it music concerts, dance performances and reenactments galore. Come sunset and the Cinescene provides an unforgettable show on one of the biggest stages in the world, and thousands of actors and performers most of whom are from the neighboring areas and take you through nearly 700 years in history. For a whole new experience for the whole family, check out the wonderful Puy du Fou.

Parc Oriental de Maulévrier

A Japanese garden in the Pays de la Loire region of France is Parc Oriental de Maulévrier. Established in the 18th century in the vicinity of Château Colbert, the foundation of the park was laid by Alexandre Marcel, a Parisian architect. In 1976, the park went to the municipality of the village and was declared as one of the most remarkable gardens in France. Today, it houses close to 3,000 different varieties of flora along with a pond, bridge, pagoda and plants like Japanese maples, camellias, azaleas etc. It is the largest known Japanese garden in France and hosts exhibition of ceramics and bonsai.


In the heart of the city of Cholet is the GlisséO, a popular sports complex that boasts an array of top-notch facilities and activities. The center features a massive swimming pool perfect for laps or for leisurely dips, slides, dive ramps, a bubble pool, a well-maintained ice rink, and a fitness center. They also conduct fitness classes and aquabike sessions. GlisséO truly is one-of-a-kind and a must visit when in the city.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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