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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Les Epesses

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Puy du Fou

Are you're looking to battle with the Vikings, hurl with the gladiators or swash buckle with pirates? The Puy du Fou is the answer to all your fantasies. Attracting over 2,000,000 tourists each year, this historical theme park provides spectacles and attractions that cover various exciting periods in history and with it music concerts, dance performances and reenactments galore. Come sunset and the Cinescene provides an unforgettable show on one of the biggest stages in the world, and thousands of actors and performers most of whom are from the neighboring areas and take you through nearly 700 years in history. For a whole new experience for the whole family, check out the wonderful Puy du Fou.

Basilica of St. Louis de Montfort

Located the department of Vendée in the municipality of Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, the Basilica of St. Louis de Montfort was established in the 19th Century. Many pilgrims visit the church every year as it is location of the graves of two of the most prominent community figures: Blessed Marie Louise Trichet and Louis de Montfort.

Chateau de Tiffauges

Located on the banks of the river Crume, Château de Tiffauges is a popular tourist attraction among families with its various fun activities and programs for children. Dating back to medieval times, it is most famous for being home to the famous knight and notorious killer, Gilles de Rais. Today it lies in ruins and only some of its wall remains and fortification can be seen. It is now owned by the local council who organize a number of plays, historical re-enactments and exhibitions on medieval culture. A ticket to the castle can allow you entry during any time of the day and is sure to leave you with a memorable experience.

Saint Michael's Church

A part of les Mauges in Western France, Saint Michael's Church is an imposing edifice, and a popular landmark of the city. It was constructed during the 15th Century at the site of a former chapel. The architectural motifs made of granite render an imposing quality to the structure. The church is one of the surviving witnesses to the uprising in Vendée during the French Revolution. Most noteworthy in the church is the baked-clay sculpture of Saint Michael designed by Pierre Biardeau.

Eglise de Vouvant‎

Eglise de Vouvant‎ is one of the city's most historic attraction. Towering over the city, the church was built towards the end of the 11th century and then boasted a unique Romanesque architecture. It suffered many attacks during the wars that took place through the years that damaged most of its construction. The church that stands today has undergone many repairs and reconstruction work but manages to draw in many history and architecture buffs. The detailed stone work that mark the exterior include depictions of various events through Christianity including the cutting of Samson's hair and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. The interiors include sacred art work; painting, murals and sculptures which further add interest to the church. For its turbulent history, staggering architecture and beautiful interiors, the Eglise de Vouvant‎ is a must visit while in the city.

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