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Comprising twin concert halls, art gallery and a state-of-the art multimedia center, Mostovna is 'the' place to visit for entertainment. The cultural center hosts a number of local and European artists/ bands on tour, who give out some stellar musical performances for one and all. Apart from concerts, the center also hosts art exhibitions, fashion shows and a plethora of other events that are bound to leave you spell-bounded. With the bands like Agalloch, Tortorum, Blacklodge and Horna have already performed here, you can expect gigs of similar bands at Mostovna.

Bay of Sistiana

In specialist magazines this has been described as 'one of the world's top ten bays. Go on a winter's day and you get to enjoy the winter sea, go in May and you will get a whiff of the summer air, mixed with sea pines. The calendar of seasonal events is quite fixed and goes from markets to flea markets to concerts. In the bay, there are refreshment areas and two bathing establishments. You can reach the bay by car but in summer it is best to park in Sistiana and reach the bay on foot as the walk is beautiful, or you can take the free shuttle bus supplied by the Trieste authorities between June and September. Further information can be obtained from the public relations office of the Duino-Aurisina region.

Sentiero Rilke

The beautiful Sentiero Rilke has woods on one side and breathtaking views over the Sistiana Bay on the other. It is only a few kilometers long and an easy walk. It starts from the seasonal base of the Azienda di promozione turistica di Sistiana and ends at the entrance to the village of Duino. To get to this path from Trieste, take the number 44 bus, which stops across the road from the head of the path. If you drive, then be aware that there is limited parking space; you might want to park further down the road.

Bagno Castelreggio

Bagno Castelreggio is the pride and one of the major attractions of Duino-Aurisina. Local and international tourists visit this beach throughout the year making it one of the busiest beaches in the region. Whether to splash in the refreshing water or simply laze around watching the world go by, visiting Castelreggio while in the city is a must.

Duino Castle

Duino Castle is located close to Trieste, Italy. The castle was erected in the 14th Century overlooking the Gulf of Trieste over the remains of an 11th-century castle. It was occupied by Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and his wife Princess Marie in the 19th Century and is known to be the venue where the renowned poet Rainer Maria Rilke penned his best work titled Duino Elegies. The castle is now owned by the descendant of Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and operates as a park and exhibition center.

Portopiccolo Sistiana

A beautiful paradise Duino Aurisina, Portopiccolo Sistiana is a destination that you can visit no matter what time of the year. Not far from Trieste, Portopiccolo offers you a lot of attractions: in summer you can enjoy its beautiful sea, relaxing at the beach, trying the aquatic sports, or indulge in a long seaside walk. You can try riding a horse or a mountain bike, or even take a walk/hike in the mountain. In winter, you should try skiing, for sure. There are bars and clubs all around to enjoy your nights out.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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