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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Rapid City

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Reptile Gardens

This astounding park boasts the largest collection of live reptiles in the world, featuring everything from toads to salamanders. It also houses an impressive collection of tortoises, alligators and snakes. Visitors also enjoy a walk-through jungle, animal shows and 40 acres of landscaped grounds. USA Today named this family-attraction one of the “Top 10 Places To Stop the Car and Take A Look.” It is open seasonally, usually inactive during the winter.

Storybook Island Theme Park

Storybook Island Theme Park is a children's theme park that was established in 1959. The park is themed around famous characters from many children's stories and nursery rhymes. Admission to the park is free. However, there is minimal charge individual rides.

Dinosaur Park

Established in May 1936, Dinosaur Park is set on a hill and houses seven life size dinosaur structures. Designed by architect Emmet Sullivan, the park attracts several tourists throughout the year. The bright green statues are hard to miss. It is believed that dinosaur footprints were found near the park. The park proffers spectacular vistas of the surroundings.

The Journey Museum

The Journey Museum and Gardens narrate stories about the native Americans. It has various kinds of exhibits that exploit different avenues like Geology, Paleontology and so forth. Also hosting unique, themed events and shows, the place is well worth a visit.

Monte Rushmore

This world-famous, rock-cut sculpture by Gutzon Borglum is one of the United States' best known landmarks. The 60-foot-tall (18-meter-tall) faces of four of America's greatest presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln - look down from their lofty perch above the luxuriant forests of the Black Hills. Remarkable in their likeness to the presidents, Mount Rushmore is as much a monumental artistic marvel as it is a cultural gem. These four presidents were chosen by the artist himself as symbols of the foundation, growth, development and preservation of the United States. While Borglum had originally envisioned the sculpture to include the entire body of each president, budgetary and time concerns forced the artist to revise his plans to include only their heads. The Avenue of Flags, sculptor's studio and Grandview Terrace are great vantage points for taking in this marvel.

Dahl's Chainsaw Art

Dahl's Chainsaw Art is the brainchild of artist Jarrett Dahl, a talented sculptor. Splendid products of chainsaw art, these whimsical pieces draw hundreds of visitors to the museum every year. When in town, head over to this unique attraction to witness the marvelous art pieces and carvings that include animal figures, a large eagle motorcycle, and even a behemoth Bigfoot. Click stunning photos and learn more about the art of wood carving at the site.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 30 0 0 0,6 6