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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Schwangau

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Castillo de Neuschwanstein

El Castillo de Neuschwanstein es el más famoso de toda Alemania y es famoso por haber sido el modelo que utilizó Walt Disney para el castillo de la Bella Durmiente. Iniciado por el rey Ludwig en 1869, les llevó a los más de cientos de artesanos de todo el mundo más de 16 años, y solo se pudo construir un tercio del total. Neuschwanstein se alza sobre el valle de Hohenschwangau. Desde afuera se ve una fabulosa obra de arquitectura medieval, una verdadera pieza de los cuentos de fantasía; pero el interior es una mezcla de estilos bizantino, romano y gótico, que se deja entrever en los espectaculares tallados y murales. Recorran el castillo y luego contémplenlo del Puente de María para observar todo su esplendor.

Hohenschwangau Castle

Standing out amid the dense verdure of Bavaria, the imposing facade of the Hohenschwangau Castle looks nothing short of a castle from a fairytale. Dating back to the 19th Century and credited to Maximilian II of Bavaria, the castle was home to King Ludwig II when he was a child. The architecture and interiors of the castle are simply spectacular. The castle is open to public visitation throughout the year and also offers guided tours in several languages. The castle is one of the prime tourist attractions in the city. The Schloss Hohenschwangau is also one of the few castles in the country that remained unscathed during both World War I and World War II.

Ettal Abbey

Among the largest of its kind, Ettal Abbey is an active Benedictine abbey. Though it was established by Emperor Ludwig in 1330, it is the Baroque designs of the architect Enrico Zuccalli after 1744 that laid the foundation for the beautiful structure that stands today. Featuring a stunning façade, the monastery is regarded as one of the most prominent sacred destinations in the area. Visitors can visit the bookstore to peruse the titles on display, stroll through the picturesque monastery garden, or explore the distillery that produces the famous Ettaler Kloster Liqueur. Guided tours of the complex are also offered.

Ehrenberg Castle

Perched atop a hill and the Swiss valley of Reutte, the Ehrenberg Castle of Austria is a popular attraction among tourists for its charming historical atmosphere and stunning woodland and city views. Accessed via a short hike, this ruinous castle is a perfect spot for a family day out and a must visit for history enthusiasts!


While visiting the neighboring town of Fussen and Neuschwanstein Castle, make a small detour to see the Wieskirche or the Pilgrimage Church of Wies. This stunning building is a true expression of the baroque and rococo styles, and the interiors throw a brilliant light on the craftsmanship and artistic expression of this period. Listed on the UNESCO World Heritage list, Wieskirche is a must-visit. The beautiful frescos painted by the Zimmerman brothers, ornate windows, and the fine stucco work elaborate on the theological theme and bring it to life. The church is, to this day, a popular pilgrimage destination.

Bruder Klaus Kapelle

Surrounded by verdant trees, the red-bricked Bruder Klaus Kapelle invites visitors with its striking beauty and tranquility. Constructed in 1991 by Nikolaus von der Flüe, a saint of Swiss origin, the chapel is known for its exquisite wooden cross and other interior relics such as a candlestick with 12 arms. This small but scenic religious attraction calls for some quiet contemplation and unabashed devotion.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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