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Duración aproximada : 2 hr

Primera clasificación Atractivos en Siena

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Museo di Palazzo Piccolomini

Desde su palacio, el papa Pío II disfrutaba de unas bonitas vistas del Val d'Orcia y del Monte Amiata. Los visitantes del museo pueden además admirar las habitaciones privadas del papa, decoradas con muebles, cuadros y diversos objetos cotidianos. En la primera planta una exposición permanente informa sobre el ambicioso proyecto del papa Pío II de convertir su ciudad natal en una ciudad humanista ejemplar.

Pieve dei Santi Vito e Modesto

Surrounded by Tuscan beauty, the church of Corsignano has been standing possibly since the 7th Century CE. The present facade was constructed in the 12th Century CE and is remarkably well-preserved. Constructed in Tufa Rock, the church is a must-visit for some solitude.

Santa Maria della Scala

This is the third great building in the artistic and cultural triangle of Siena. It has been in use since the end of the 11th Century to aid the sick and the pilgrims that trod the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome, these pilgrims were referred to as "Romei". The various sections of the building really should be visited and the frescoes in the Pellegrino admired. Today, the building is open for visits and also houses museums and shops.

Museo dell'Opera del Duomo

The closure of three sections of what was known as the "New Duomo" (in 1339 anyway) brought about the foundation of Museo dell'Opera del Duomo. From the museum, it is possible to climb up to the top of the front of the Duomo for a view of the city and beyond. Among the most important works displayed are "Madonna and Child" by Jacopo della Quercia, "Majesty" by Duccio and the altarpiece with Blessed Agostino Novello by Simone Martini. There is also an important reliquary and the collection of sculpture by Giovanni Pisano.

Terme di Petriolo

The quaint town of Monticiano is home to a wellness retreat beckoning locals and tourists alike. Terme di Petriolo are thermal springs that have existed since the 13th Century. Surrounded by pristine wilderness, these springs are man-made pools built besides a peacefully-flowing river. Filled via pipes, the water is rich in minerals with temperatures hovering over 43 degree Celsius (109 degree Fahrenheit). A free site that's worthy of a visit throughout the year, Terme di Petriolo comes most recommended especially during winters.

Museo d'Arte per Bambini

The Museo d’Arte Per Bambini is a children’s art museum housed inside the Santa Maria della Scala complex. Founded in 1998, the museum is dedicated to exposing children to art and culture of all kinds from an early age. It’s a matter of four small rooms with a nice mix of contemporary and antique art set up for children to enjoy, including paintings, photography, sculpture, and video installations. Children can interact with works of art using all five senses, and participate in educational programs designed to encourage their creative sense of play.

0,6 28 5 1 5,7,6 F-TA Approximate Duration: 2 hr F-TA|approximate-duration|Duración aproximada [["Museo di Palazzo Piccolomini","43.076531189504","11.678896065575","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazza Pio II 2, Pienza, 53026","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/pienza\/1052608-museo-di-palazzo-piccolomini"],["Pieve dei Santi Vito e Modesto","43.076794151787","11.671502385799","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Pieve dei Santi Vito e Modesto, Pienza, 53026","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/pienza\/1104888-pieve-dei-santi-vito-e-modesto"],["Santa Maria della Scala","43.317145093585","11.328299040384","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazza del Duomo 1, Siena, 53100","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/siena\/192443-santa-maria-della-scala"],["Museo dell'Opera del Duomo","43.317643697395","11.329589946137","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazzal Duomo 8, Siena, 53100","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/siena\/189459-museo-dell-opera-del-duomo"],["Terme di Petriolo","43.079553548212","11.300004127973","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","SP4, Monticiano, 53011","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/siena\/1168591-terme-di-petriolo"],["Museo d'Arte per Bambini","43.317100697356","11.328919733825","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Piazza Duomo 1, Siena, 53100","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/siena\/1135969-museo-d-arte-per-bambini"]] adayincity 1052608,1104888,192443,189459,1168591,1135969 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 28 0 0 0,6 6