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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Siena

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Banchi di Sopra

This street in Siena is best known for being an ideal location for passeggiata, a slow evening stroll common among locals. Upscale stores and shops line the road and draw many tourists for relaxing evenings of window shopping. Things are centered around the large retail anchor, Upim. Keep an eye out also for some great pastries, like the panforte at Nannini. This street is located near the Piazza del Campo.

Museo di Storia Naturale

The Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Accademia dei Fisiocritici is a great place to learn about the history of science in Siena. The academy after which the museum is named after was founded in 1691 and was one of the first of its kind in Europe. Visitors can examine a vast collection of terra-cotta models of mushrooms, check out a zoological exhibition of conserved marine mammals collected from the Tuscan coast, and explore an archive of hand-written documents about the history of the academy dating back to the 17th Century.

Chapel Vitaleta

Perched on a hill in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, the Chapel of the Madonna of Vitaleta is inarguably one of the most famous churches in the region. While it may not be ornate in its design, it holds great significance since it once housed the famous Renaissance statue of Madonna. With sprawling lawns and the few towering trees that flank the chapel, this exceptionally picturesque chapel is a sight to behold.

Basilica of San Domenico

The Basilica of San Domenico, also known as Basilica Cateriniana, is named after the catholic mystic and theologian Saint Catherine of Siena, whose family home is located nearby. The church contains several of the saint’s relics and her codex. Built by Dominicans on the hills of the Camporegio in the early 13th century, the church was expanded in the Gothic style two centuries later and is one of the most popular among tourists in Siena. Pilgrims are drawn to pray in front of the relics of Saint Catherine, who is one of the two patron saints of Italy along with Saint Francis of Assisi.

Piazza Pio II.

Todos los edificios importantes de la ciudad se encuentran en esta plaza trapezoidal: el mayor edificio de la céntrica plaza Pío II es el Palacio Piccolomini, la residencia papal. Junto a él está la catedral de Pienza con su fachada renacentista. El cuarto edificio es el Palacio Vescovile. La plaza Pío II no se construyó como las plazas de la mayoría de las ciudades a lo largo de los siglos, sino que se creó artificialmente.

Fonte Branda

Fountains were particularly valued in fortified cities in the Middle Ages as were all things that aided survival during that period of war and bloodshed. The Branda fountain is certainly the oldest (late 12th Century); it is so old that even the days of the writer Bocaccio (1313-1375) it was considered to be ancient! The building is still there with its Guelph battlement.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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