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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Solvang

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Solvang Trolley & Carriage

Located in Santa Ynez Valley, the cozy town of Solvang is home to a popular Danish Village that was set in 1911. Tourists can hop onto the Belgian horse-drawn trolleys of Solvang Trolley and Carriage and take a guided tour of the picturesque town. These carriages were built to look like the original Danish Honen carriages that were built in 1915. Ride through the streets and discover the local restaurants, cafés, shops and Danish-style houses.

Bethania Lutheran Church

Bethania Lutheran Church was built in 1928 and what truly stands out about this historic building are its Danish elements, in particular the nave, which is made of a ship. Other than the unique architecture, the church also provides a small slice of Danish culture in town, making it one of the more prominent town attractions.

Elverhøj Museum of History & Art

The Elverhøj Museum of History & Art was established in 1988 to showcase Danish culture and history in Solvang. Exhibits and artifacts displayed at the museum portray the lives of early Danish settlers and their influence in shaping the city today. The historic photo collections displayed here are also valuable in providing information about the city's rich history. Apart from the indoor exhibits, the museum building is a treasure in itself. It is a beautiful Scandinavian-style building that was the home of Danish painter Viggo Brandt-Erichsen and his wife.

Solvang Vintage Motorcycle Museum

A museum for vintage bikes and rare motorcycles, the Solvang Vintage Motorcycle Museum is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The museum features an impressive showcase of vehicles, featuring bikes from the exclusive collection of Virgil Elings, who has been an collecting vintage motorcycles for over two decades now. The museum's repertoire includes many stylish vintage American, Japanese, European and British motorcycles, including the 1920 ABC Sopwith, 1948 AJS 7R, 1936 AJS R10 and the 1955 AJS 7R.

Solvang Festival Theater

Owned and managed by Solvang Theaterfest, the Solvang Festival Theater is a lovely theater that is home to the PCPA, a production group. This theater hosts variety of events ranging from drama, dance performances, musicals, live music concerts, shows and community events. The aim is to bring forth excellent and quality entertainment for patrons and support young performers as well. It also conducts special workshops and seminars for amateur entertainers and artists.

Mission Santa Inés

Built in 1804, Mission Santa Inés was established even before creation of the town of Solvang itself. Sometimes called Santa Ynez, the mission began under the leadership of Father Estévan Tapís. Although most of the church building was destroyed in the earthquake of 1812, the structure was renovated and expanded later on. Reflecting local culture and history, the mission makes for an interesting visit. Self-guided tours are available.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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