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Plaza Central de Ontario

Ubicada en la Avenida Euclid en el centro de Ontario, la plaza central es un sitio ideal para picnics, conciertos y eventos al aire libre. En el gran anfiteatro al aire libre se presentan conciertos, obras de teatro, talleres, festivales y muchos otros eventos todo el año. Además, encontrarán muchísimos "foodtrucks" algunas noches a la semana y que ofrecen la combinación perfecta entre comida y diversión.

Observatorio Griffith

Este observatorio de estilo Art Deco fue construido a principios de la década de 1930 y es uno de los emblemas más destacados del sur de California. Disfruten de los increíbles shows de luces del Planetario Oschin para los que se utiliza la tecnología más reciente y novedosa. Al salir del del observatorio los sorprenderá una vista despejada que los dejará sin aliento tanto de día como al caer el sol. Las exposiciones y los espectáculos de planetario los dejarán fascinados. Tal vez reconozcan el observatorio como el lugar donde se rodó el clímax de "Rebelde sin causa". Durante las noches despejadas, acérquense para utilizar los telescopios públicos de uso gratuito para contemplar las estrellas bien de cerca.

Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden

Inspired by Tokyo's Imperial Gardens, the Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden opened its doors in 1981 and is a part of the California State University. The donation of funds came from the namesake's widow, and her passion for gardens led to the creation of this space. A serene garden and a sight to behold, it is dotted with several trees, including Japanese black pines, pink cloud cherry, fern pines, saucer magnolias, and Chinese flame trees. A koi pond with a bridge and fish, garden art, a pagoda, a tea house, fountains, and a zig-zag bridge add to the beautiful landscape. The garden is a much-favored spot for weddings.

Oak Canyon Nature Center

Spanning 58 acres (23 hectares), the Oak Canyon Nature Center is a beautiful oasis of nature in the city. The sanctuary, flanked by three canyons is home to a diverse array of animal and bird species. Well-marked hiking trails offer a great opportunity to discover the park's many wonders. Stop by at the John J. Collier Interpretive Center to learn more about the natural features and history of the place.

Yorba Regional Park

This beautiful park is more than a mile long and rests on 175 lush acres of land. With more than 400 picnic tables, this park is ideal for a family outing. There are four lakes with connecting streams for fishing and sailing model boats. There are plenty of pedestrian and biking trails for the more active visitors. For children, there are many sets of play equipment like slides and jungle gyms. This place opens daily at 7 am.

Rancho Los Alamitos

The perfect thing to do on a bright sunny day is to head to Rancho Los Alamitos. Admire the 19th Century ranch house that houses an interesting museum about local history, then explore the surrounding area. Make sure you stop by the barn and check out the livestock, which is often the highlight for children. You can also stroll through the beautiful garden. The gift shop has interesting things to take back home too. Overall, a historical place with lots of education, along with fun thrown in.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 316 0 0 0,6 6