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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Williams

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Lava River Cave

Hace aproximadamente 700.000 años, durante el preistoceno, entró en erupción un volcán en esta parte del norte de Arizona. De más está decir que provocó grandes desastres, y esta cueva es uno de los ejemplos de la ira de la Madre Naturaleza así como también de su belleza. Está abierta todo el año, pero es posible que algunas rutas de acceso permanezcan cerradas por el mal clima. Tengan en cuenta que la temperatura dentro de la cueva puede bajar mucho, así que lleven la ropa adecuada (incluso durante el agobiante verano de Arizona), y recuerden usar calzado cómodo.

Grand Canyon Deer Farm LLC

Just beyond the outskirts of Williams, the Grand Canyon Deer Farm promises a memorable experience to all those who venture here. Easily accessed via the historic Route 66, the farm delights adults and kids alike and offers an opportunity to interact with deer along with other animals in close quarters. Various interactive activities and programs enable visitors to gain a deeper insight into the animals found here, the workings of zoos, and the safekeeping of the wildlife under their care. Pet, feed, or simply admire the different species that thrive in enclosures designed to ensure their well-being.

Bearizona Wildlife Park

Bearizona, como indica el nombre, es un parque de vida silvestre repleto de osos ubicado en la ciudad de Williams, sobre la histórica Routa 66. Con una superficie de casi 65 hectáreas, el parque ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de acercarse desde la comodidad de su propio auto no solo a los osos sino a la diversa vida silvestre de la región. Promocionado como un "Auto Parque de Vida Silvestre", puede que el parque no le resulte atractivo a los conservacionistas más acérrimos, pero la misión del parque es la de "preservar la vida de los osos a través de encuentros seguros, asequibles, memorables y educativos". Entre los demás animales que viven aquí encontrarán lobos grises, linces, ovejas, lobos y muchos más.

Bill Williams Mountain

Soaring at an elevation of 9,259 feet (2,822 meters), Bill Williams Mountain is a prominent landmark situated about 11 miles away from William proper. The mountain derives its name from William Sherley "Old Bill" Williams and makes for an exhilarating excursion for avid hikers and climbers. Follow a trail winding through woods where towering oaks and pines hold dominion, and marvel at the natural features that abound along the way. Bask in the views visible for miles on end as you traverse the scenic trail.

Buckskinner Park

Located just a mile south of Williams, this municipal park offers picnic tables and is complete with charcoal grills, volleyball and basketball courts, hiking trails and fishing at the City Reservoir. Bring a pole, drop in a line and be patient while the rainbow trout, sunfish and catfish decide which one will go for the bait. Buckskinner Trails also offers hiking access to nearby Bill Williams Mountain. The trailhead is located just southwest of the picnic shelters. Contact the Williams Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center for information and trail maps.

Kaibab National Forest

Flanked by the Indian reservations of Hualapai and Hopi, the Kaibab National Forest spreads over 1.6 million acres (650,000 hectares) of prairie forests that are dotted with a host of natural features like lively springs, serene lakes, expansive flatland, and prominent peaks, amongst many others. Established in the year 1909, the forest offers a wide variety of outdoor activities like biking, hiking, and also allows visitors to camp amidst its verdant foliage. The forest is home to several species of animals like elks, antelopes, mountain lions, coyotes, bobcats, black bears, to name a few. While the terrain is teeming with animals, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, hawks, and bats circle the skies above thus creating a paradise for birding enthusiasts.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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