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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Winslow

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Meteor Crater

Hace más de 50.000 años, un meteorito impactó la tierra con una fuerza que supera las 20 millones de toneladas de dinamita. El cráter tiene una profundidad de 165 metros y una circunferencia de casi 5 kilómetros, y el terreno es tan parecido al de la luna que la NASA lo utilizó como punto de entrenamiento para los astronautas que tripularon el Apollo. El centro para visitantes cuenta con exposiciones, presentantaciones multimedia y una tienda de recuerdos. El cráter se encuentra más o menos a unos 56 kilómetros de Flagstaff sobre la Interestatal 40 y es una muestra oscura de cómo los eventos cósmicos pueden afectar la vida en la tierra.

McHood Park

Away from the bustle of the city lies a scenic tract of land that unfurls along a tranquil reservoir and invites visitors to unwind amid picturesque surroundings. Cloaked in serenity, McHood Park serves as an ideal destination for a day out amid natural environs and offers opportunities for numerous activities that delight outdoor enthusiasts. Try your hand at fishing, wade into the refreshing waters, glide along the pristine channel of the reservoir or settle down for a picnic with your companions. Additionally, you can set up camp here if you wish to stay longer.

Old Trails Museum

During a visit to Winslow, make sure to drop by the Old Trails Museum if you're a history buff looking to trace the city's past. Extensive collections comprised of photographs, antiques, artifacts, and other memorabilia enable visitors to delve deep into the heritage and culture of Winslow. From prehistory and the cultures of ancient peoples to historic landmarks and community life, the exhibits cover a wide range of topics that facilitate a comprehensive inspection of the city's historical tapestry. The museum is also known to conduct several educational programs and events designed for all ages.

Standin' On The Corner Park

Established in the year 1999 in Winslow, this public park is dedicated to the song "Take It Easy" credited to Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey and brought to life by the Eagles. Brick walls encompass the iconic Standin' On The Corner Park, and each brick has been etched with a donor's name and some of their most cherished memories of Winslow. The park is home to a two-story Trompe-l'Oeil mural attributed to John Pugh, and it also features a bronze statue created by Ron Adamson of a man with a guitar. If you are a fan of the Eagles and their song, then stop by and explore this remarkable park.

Homolovi State Park

One of Arizona's first archaeological state parks, Homolovi State Park consists of four major Pueblo sites that were once inhabited by the Anasazi peoples. The ruins are spread throughout the 4,500-acre (1,821 hectares) park. Special workshops, programs, and exhibits on Native American culture and history are regularly scheduled at the visitor center and museum. The complex also has campsites, picnic areas, and hiking trails. Guided tours are available by special arrangement. Campers can immerse themselves in the desert surroundings and experience the beauty of the night sky in this remote area.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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